Steps to Apply
We’ve made the process of applying for admission easy. Check your steps and requirements below
Students can apply through Tarleton’s application or ApplyTexas. We don’t have a preference!
First Time in College
- Submit your admission application
- Pay your non-refundable application fee or submit a fee waiver
- Order your official high school transcript
- Submit your admission application
- Pay your non-refundable application fee or submit a fee waiver
- Order your official college transcript(s) to be sent to us from each school you have attended.
Returning to Tarleton
If the last school you attended was Tarleton:
- Submit your admission application
If the last school you attended wasn’t Tarleton:
- Submit your admission application
- Order your official transcripts to be sent to us from each school you have attended since last attending Tarleton.
- Submit your admission application
- Pay your non-refundable application fee or submit a fee waiver
- Order your domestic transcripts or order an international transcript evaluation
Next Steps
Frequently Asked Questions
High School Application FAQs
How do I send my official high school transcript?
Students must request their high school sends their official transcript to us. We accept official transcripts via the following methods:
Electronically through:
- Parchment/Naviance
- TREX (Texas high schools only)
- eScrip using admissions@tarleton.edu
- eScribbles
- Credentials
- Xello
- Overgrad
- Greenlight
- Scoir
Emailed officially from the high school to admissions@tarleton.edu
Mailed in a sealed envelope from the high school to (must contain school representative signature and school seal): Tarleton State University
Undergraduate Admissions
Box T-0030
Stephenville, TX 76402
How do I send my official homeschool transcript?
Homeschool transcripts will need to be notarized to be official. The transcript must show freshman to senior year with dates, grades, GPA, and GPA scale.
I see that my GPA and Rank are missing. How do I submit that information?
Please have your counselor submit an updated official transcript or they can email the information to admissions@tarleton.edu
I see that my graduation program type is missing. What is the graduation program type?
Tarleton State University needs to know if you are pursuing Foundations distinguished or Foundations with an endorsement and completed Algebra 2.
I am missing Algebra 2. How do I submit this information?
Please request an updated official high school transcript or your counselor can email a copy of your schedule showing you are enrolled in Algebra 2.
How do I check my status?
Please go to your myGateway Portal. Log in using your University ID (UID) and use your date of birth as your pin (mmddyy).
How do I submit my official SAT/ACT scores?
Tarleton is no longer accepting SAT/ACT scores from the official high school transcript. SAT scores must be sent from College Board and ACT scores must be sent from ACT.org. Scores submitted by the counselor or student will not be official.
What is the TSIA?
The Texas Success Initiative is a placement exam that is required by the State of Texas for all students entering a Texas public school of higher education.
Do I have to pass the TSIA?
The TSIA is used to determine readiness in reading, writing, and mathematics.
How do I submit my official TSIA scores?
Please fill out the TSI Release Form. This information will allow Tarleton to download the official TSIA scores. Tarleton will also accept scores from a high school counselor by email in PDF form. TSIA scores submitted by students or parents will not be official.
How do I submit my official AP scores?
AP scores must come directly from College Board to be official.
How do I get my dual credit courses?
Please request the official dual credit transcript from the college that your high school has partnered with to offer the courses. You will need to contact that college and request that your official transcript be sent to our office.
Transfer Application FAQs
How do I apply?
Please review the Steps to Apply page and complete one application for admission.
I’m on the ApplyTexas application and it just says the Stephenville campus on the application. How can I apply to the Fort Worth campus?
Initially, you will select “Tarleton State University (Stephenville)” as the application type, then towards the end of the transfer application, you will see the campus selection question and can select which campus you would like to attend.
After I apply and turn in my transcripts, how long does it take to be admitted? Will I have time to register for courses?
Students receive emails with missing items noted that are needed to complete their application. This information is also available when students check their application status online. Once we receive all mandatory information, we typically make an admission decision within approximately 1-3 business days. Students will be notified once a decision has been made and then they can set up an advising appointment to discuss course registration and register for their courses.
Have you received my transcript yet?
Once we process the transcript, students are notified by email. If you have not received an email and do not show a received date next to the transcript item when you check your application status online, we likely have not yet received it. Please feel free to contact us and we will further research.
I did not attend last semester but attended Tarleton previously. Do I have to reapply and pay the application fee again to attend?
Any time a student does not attend for a long semester (fall or spring), they must reapply but the application fee is waived.
Transfer Application FAQs
Do grades of D transfer?
Yes, the grade of D transfers, however, it may not be accepted in your degree as some degrees require minimum grades for certain courses. Please speak with an advisor regarding your specific degree.
How do I send in my transcripts?
Please obtain methods of ordering an official transcript on the institution’s website. We accept official transcripts via any of the following methods:
Electronically (preferred) through:
- Greenlight
- National Student Clearinghouse
- Parchment
Emailed officially from the institution to transfer@tarleton.edu
Mailed in a sealed envelope to:
Tarleton State University
Undergraduate Admissions
Box T-0030
Stephenville, TX 76402
Can Tarleton State University order my transcripts?
No, Tarleton does not have access to other institutions’ records (and other institutions will not release student records to us) so the student must request official transcripts to be sent to us.
Can I apply even if I am still in classes?
Yes, your application will be reviewed (and admitted if requirements are met) with courses currently in progress. The courses may only be in progress for the long semester (spring or fall) immediately preceding the application term. For example, we are unable to make an admission decision for fall 2021 if courses are in progress for fall 2020.
Can I retake courses elsewhere?
If a course is completed at a Texas public community college and repeated at another Texas public community college, both courses will appear on the transcript and the best effort will be included in the GPA. If a course is repeated in any other combination (i.e. completed at a community college and repeated at a university), both courses will appear on the transcript and the grades will average in the GPA. If courses completed at Tarleton are repeated elsewhere, both courses will appear on the transcript and the grades will average in the GPA
Residency FAQs
I am being charged out-of-state tuition. How do I receive in-state tuition?
Please complete our Residency Reclassification Form under the Residency section. Once the form is received, a member of our Admissions team will reach out to you to request further documentation.
You are requesting my LES. What is that?
An LES is a Leave and Earnings statement issued by the military for active military staff. The statement shows the military members’ home of record. For in-state tuition, students (or dependent/spouses of active-duty military members) can email a current LES and one from 12 months prior to admissions@tarleton.edu and we will update their record with the in-state residency determination.
I live in Texas during the school year but go home in the summers. Am I considered a resident for tuition purposes?
If a student is 23 years old or younger, they cannot be claimed as a dependent on their parent/guardian’s most recent federal income taxes in another state. If you have not lived in Texas for the 12 consecutive months prior to the semester you’d like to receive in-state tuition for, are not working out of the state on a temporary work assignment, and did not move to Texas to establish or maintain a home, you’re likely considered a non-resident for tuition purposes. For more information please email admissions@tarleton.edu or review the residency section of our website.
What is the Program for System Admission (PSA)?
The Program for System Admission is a Texas A&M University System institution program in which TAMU offers some freshman applicants who do not meet their admission requirements the possibility of participating in PSA to attend a select system institution for one year before transferring to TAMU as a transfer student the following fall.
How do I participate in PSA?
TAMU selects specific applicants denied freshman admission to offer the Program for System Admission. Tarleton cannot offer a student PSA. TAMU makes that determination and notifies eligible students directly regarding the steps to accept the PSA offers.
I was offered PSA but don’t see the major I want to be offered. What do I do?
Not all majors participate in the Program for System Admission (PSA). PSA students who opt in must select an available, participating PSA major and meet all course requirements of that major in order to transfer back to TAMU as a PSA student the following fall.
Citizenship FAQs
What is the Program for System Admission (PSA)?
The Program for System Admission is a Texas A&M University System institution program in which TAMU offers some freshman applicants who do not meet their admission requirements the possibility of participating in PSA to attend a select system institution for one year before transferring to TAMU as a transfer student the following fall.
How do I participate in PSA?
TAMU selects specific applicants denied freshman admission to offer the Program for System Admission. Tarleton cannot offer a student PSA. TAMU makes that determination and notifies eligible students directly regarding the steps to accept the PSA offers.
I was offered PSA but don’t see the major I want to be offered. What do I do?
Not all majors participate in the Program for System Admission (PSA). PSA students who opt in must select an available, participating PSA major and meet all course requirements of that major in order to transfer back to TAMU as a PSA student the following fall.
Withdrawal FAQs
What is the Program for System Admission (PSA)?
The Program for System Admission is a Texas A&M University System institution program in which TAMU offers some freshman applicants who do not meet their admission requirements the possibility of participating in PSA to attend a select system institution for one year before transferring to TAMU as a transfer student the following fall.
How do I participate in PSA?
TAMU selects specific applicants denied freshman admission to offer the Program for System Admission. Tarleton cannot offer a student PSA. TAMU makes that determination and notifies eligible students directly regarding the steps to accept the PSA offers.
I was offered PSA but don’t see the major I want to be offered. What do I do?
Not all majors participate in the Program for System Admission (PSA). PSA students who opt in must select an available, participating PSA major and meet all course requirements of that major in order to transfer back to TAMU as a PSA student the following fall.
Contact Us
Mailing Address & Physical Location:
Mailing Address:
Undergraduate Admissions
Box T-0030
Stephenville, Texas 76402
Our office is located in the Tarleton Center on the Stephenville Campus.