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For Jaden

Angie Lowrance


Your eyes, dark as a midnight sky,
flash a starlight twinkle when you laugh
and release a torrent of tears when you cry.

You comprise the miracle, the awe,
the beauty of every flower, every tree.
Upon each new day, my child,
you breathe life into me.

My heart fills with love it cannot retain,
inexplicable emotions overflow
and I weep again and again
for you.  But you are here, you are well,
this is no reason to cry.  It is deeper,
it’s fear and pain, my own personal hell
that a mother visits from time to time.

So small, yet so wild, so full of life
bursting with joy and witty phrases
and tiny cries from your bed at night.
For now, I can go and comfort you,
with a gentle touch I wipe the tears,
battle shadows in the night,
cast away doubt and subdue your fears.

But these times won’t last forever, I know.
Too soon will come the day
that I blink and you are grown.

For now, you are my angel, heaven sent.
“Letting go” is a concept wasted on me,
I won’t, I can’t, I don’t have to . . . yet.