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S. Michael Snyder


You are pre-approved for our special single double triple
APR cuffs of irons up to such and such rate you'll never make.
Join our cheaply bought royalty crowning credit card king
and queen.
Oh Yeah! You know you want it                  all         now      cause after you pay
the many pipers for food clothes and diapers, what's left
for consumer-therapy!?!
—That shopping spree every American's entitled to?
—That supreme market power keeping you in the fast checkout lane?
By the way, birds in the hand are worth 10 in the bush, and it's such
a privilege to kerplunk out the kazoo snuggling that jones for keeping up
with the joneses [I hate synonyms for love].
Ahh Capitalism!--a two-faced waste of excuse for lie cheat and steal . . .
We are all bleeding beggars forgetting on jet skis cd's dvd's
hugging easy bankruptcy.
The smell of new cars—ooohhh!—should be a lot better than a mental ward.
The supply and demand of sanity, the low percentage of brain used
to deduce bargains, the false piece of peace trapped in the rut
hauling butt down a mountain of fool's gold.
—Now you're old, and blind.  Those this's that's & everything's you sold
in yard sales or pawned having learned the value of dirt poor
as the company accountants spin moola out of air-conditioned kicking
feet back slacks shirt pastel tie cologne stamped skin, the college hours
well spent, printing letters of endearment to their lowly
prey for salary.
It's a good day for golf, but it ticks them off when your dog barks
trailer park adjacent.
As you wipe sweat, your inner priest staves away repossession.
You give a sigh of ease, water the money tree,
(‘Isn’t that where it grows?’),
and sign up for that new consolidation loan . . .