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Letters with H

Mayfield, Will


W: Are you there, H? H: Yep.
W: Have you grown? H: Yes, a garden.

W: Write much?
H: Escribo.
W: Film?
H: People are like in film. They act out life. W: Have you learned?


H: ... (tired) (confused)


(rain)...(clarity) W: See you soon.

H: I hope so.
W: Do you eat?
H: There is a river, need to build a fishing pole. W: Have you found love?
H: Land.
W: Coffee?

(black) H: Beans.

W: Feliz Cumpleaños.

H: Thanks.
H: ...
W: Poems?
H: Here’s one. Or two. W: H?

H: Yea?
W: Take care of yourself. H: (Poem)