EPS Office
Educator Preparation Services Office

The Educator Preparation Services office is located on the first floor of the Math Building in room 101. We are available during our regular operating hours 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (we typically close at noon for lunch) to provide information about our services.

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Educator Preparation Services

Educator Preparation Program Report Card

The information in this brochure provides program data that demonstrates Tarleton State University’s level of attainment on the data elements required for annual state and federal reporting.

Educator Preparation Services is designed to assist both undergraduate and graduate students.

Undergraduate students who are seeking initial teacher certification through the Tarleton teacher education program are guided through the program from the time they make application until they complete all field experiences, testing, and are recommended for certification. Please see the Program Disclosures for important information related to criminal history and the ability to become certified.

You must apply for a review of credentials by the Texas Education Agency if you are seeking certification in Texas and you hold a standard certificate issued by another state or territory. Follow the instructions on the TEA website.

Educator Preparation Service includes the following services:

  • The Teacher Education Program website contains all the information needed to know about the Teacher Education Program at Tarleton State University, including admission requirements and applications. 
  • Field Experiences contains forms used during your professional development courses, information and applications to clinical teaching. 
  • The Certification Testing website contains the information you need to know about TExES testing, including general TExES information, registration information, retest information, test preparation, and test policies.
  • The Educator Certification page under Student Resources contains instructions on how to apply for intern, probationary and standard certifications for both classroom teachers and professional certificates.

Main Office

Math Building, Room 101

Box T-0790 Stephenville, Texas 76402

Phone: 254-968-9815

Fax: 254-968-9801

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