Tarleton State is breaking records in enrollment, scholarship, research, athletics, philanthropy and engagement — the areas that count — cementing its position alongside America’s great public institutions. We’re turbocharging economic growth and transforming the national fabric of higher education.

Our estimated annual impact of $1.7 BILLION for the region and $2.9 BILLION total in added income for Texas defines Tarleton State as a catalyst for growth and prosperity. It reflects our commitment to high-quality education for anyone seeking a university degree. It is a remarkable return on the investment of our students, local and state residents, and Texas.

An independent study by the global research firm Lightcast (formerly Emsi) confirms that a Tarleton State education propels economic vitality. If we educate students in Texas, they will stay in Texas, and Texas will continue to prosper. We’ve always known that, and now we’re being recognized for it.

The information highlighted here illustrates our economic importance and demonstrates that Tarleton State creates value from multiple perspectives. We’re not just growing a university, we’re growing the communities we serve. As Tarleton thrives, so does our hometown, our region and our state.

We call it the Tarleton State effect.

Bronze statue of a bearded man holding a hat and cane, with trees in the background.

"2.9 Billion income added to the state equals 29,954 jobs supported"
"$1.7 Billion income added to the region equals 18,005 jobs supported"
"$146 Million alumni impact to rural communities equals 1,894 jobs supported"

Top Industry Impacts (Job Supported) in Texas

Today, thousands of former students are employed in Texas. According to Lightcast’s Alumni Pathways, many Tarleton State alumni are employed in the state workforce in industry sectors such as government, education, manufacturing, healthcare and social assistance, professional and technical services, and retail trade. Some of the top occupations include being postsecondary teachers, all other managers, general and operations managers, first-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers, and accountants and auditors.

Student looking at another student

$2.9 Billion Economic Impact

Students together by John Tarleton

$1.4 Million Earnings Increase

Student studying in the Library

Added Tax Revenue

Tarleton State generates more in tax revenue than it receives. Taxpayers benefit from $229.6 Million in added tax revenue from Tarleton students working.

Investing in the Lone Star State

Operations Spending Impact

$138.4 Million

Tarleton State adds economic value to Texas as an employer of state residents and a large-scale buyer of goods and services. This added income is equivalent to supporting 1,331 jobs.

Research Spending Impact

$23.2 Million

Research activities impact the economy by employing people and requiring the purchase of equipment and other supplies and services. This added income is equivalent to supporting 283 jobs.

Construction Spending Impact

$21.9 Million

Tarleton State invests in capital projects each year to maintain its facilities, create additional capacities and meet its growing educational demands. This added income is equivalent to supporting 271 jobs.

Startup Company Impact

$361.3 Million

Startup companies, created specifically to license and commercialize Tarleton State technology or knowledge, have a strong and clearly defined link to the school. Tarleton startup companies added the equivalent to supporting 4,308 jobs.

Visitor Spending Impact

$3.9 Million

Thousands of visitors from outside the state were attracted to Tarleton State during the analysis year to attend commencement, athletic events and other university activities. This added income is equivalent to supporting 64 jobs.

Student Spending Impact

$24 Million

While attending the university, students spent money on groceries, accommodation, transportation and other household expenses. This added income is equivalent to supporting 400 jobs.

Tarleton State’s Return on Investment

The analysis presented here considers Tarleton State as an investment from the perspectives of students, taxpayers and society in Texas. In return for their investment, Tarleton State’s students receive a stream of higher future earnings that will continue to grow throughout their working lives. The analysis presented here considers Tarleton State as an investment from the perspectives of students, taxpayers and society in Texas.

Close to Our Roots: The Impact on Rural Communities

Tarleton State University not only positively impacts its local economy but also the rural communities throughout Texas. Graduates have always entered the rural workforce with greater knowledge and new skills, with thousands of former students employed today in Texas’ rural communities.

For the purposes of this analysis, Texas rural communities are comprised of 158 counties in rural Texas. This definition was determined using the Rural-Urban Continuum Codes for nonmetropolitan counties in Texas.

As a result of their Tarleton State education, the students receive higher earnings and increase the productivity of the businesses that employ them in these rural communities.

In FY 2022-23, Tarleton State alumni generated $146.6 million in added income for the rural Texas economy, which is equivalent to supporting 1,894 jobs.

Tarleton Rural Map