The General Education Committee (GEC) serves to provide general oversight and monitoring of the core curriculum content and assessment plans. The committee audits and reviews core courses as well as assessment of core courses for compliance with THECB and SACSCOC general education requirements. Committee members stay current with best practices in assessment and the requirements of the Texas Core Curriculum and SACSCOC so as to be a resource to their colleagues across campus.
Committee Charge
The General Education Committee (GEC) provides general oversight and monitoring of the core curriculum content and assessment plans. The GEC committee also provides support to academic deans, department heads, program coordinators, and faculty in their efforts to develop and implement assessment practices for general education courses. This process provides evidence of alignment with THECB rules (Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter B, Rule §4.28) and SACSCOC requirements Section 8.2.b.
The committee has the following key responsibilities:
- Review and vote on proposals for the general education curriculum, ensuring alignment with THECB and Tarleton general education procedures and learning outcomes;
- Conduct an annual audit of core course assessment reports for quality, effectiveness, and compliance with THECB standards. The feedback will be provided to each course’s department annually.
- Audit all existing general education courses for continued alignment with THECB;
- Review and advise the Assistant Provost for Curriculum and Assessment regarding edits to the general education website, including the documents linked to the courses;
- Review and advise the Assistant Provost for Curriculum and Assessment, deans, and department heads regarding needed updates for the general education course rotation.
Committee Membership
Members of this committee are expected to serve as liaisons and resources on general education and component area requirements, as well as course assessment resources. Members will be appointed by the Assistant Provost for Curriculum and Assessment, based on the committee interest survey and in consultation with Deans. Committee membership is a three-year term; any member may opt to extend membership. Terms are staggered among the members to facilitate continuity.
Membership consists of the following:
- One faculty member from each of the THECB Foundational Component areas (010-080) who is actively teaching a general education course in the respective area.
- At large faculty members such that all colleges are represented by at least one faculty member, with the number of at-large members not to exceed the number of foundational component area representatives (i.e., 8). Ideally these faculty members are from different departments than those of the component area representatives.
- One representative from the Tarleton Today program.
- Members representing other academic areas, as needed.
- The Assistant Provost for Curriculum and Assessment will chair the committee; the University Assessment Director will co-chair the committee.
- The AVP for Curriculum, Assessment, and Faculty Affairs serves ex-officio.
See the GEC Committee Members page for a list of current members.