Assessment Resources
Expanding on information provided on the Essentials page, the materials below provide guidance for developing and improving your academic-assessment process. For further explanation or personalized tutorials, contact your college’s representative to the Academic Assessment Committee.
- Assessment Newsletters
- Academic Assessment Training Slides
- These slides are used for academic assessment trainings at Tarleton. They are your starting point for building an effective culture of academic assessment that will help you improve student learning. Through the use of extensive examples, the slides will provide you with clear models on how to effectively construct and implement each component of academic assessment.
- Guide to Developing a Quality Assessment Plan
- This guide gives a basic overview, explanation, and examples of each component of an effective assessment plan.
- The Elements of Effective Assessment Plans
- This guide provides a very detailed list of the important characteristics of each element an effective assessment plan. It is very useful for framing your assessment planning discussions and for conducting a self-review of your assessment plans. The Academic Assessment Committee uses this guide to conduct its annual reviews of academic programs’ assessment plans.
- Helpful Tips for Running a Successful Assessment Meeting
- This guide provides an overview on developing a culture of assessment within your program faculty. It provides a structure and guiding questions and resources with which to frame your assessment discussions in order to build this culture of assessment.
- Best Practices for Academic Assessment
- Discipline-Appropriate Technology Objectives
- Course Mapping
- Sustainability Template
- WEAVEonline
- Assessment Rubrics
- Annual Report Guidelines
- Sample-Size Information
- (“Determining Sample Size,” by Glenn D. Israel, is used for educational purposes only, with permission from the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). The article is IFAS Extension Document #PEOD6, one of a series of the Agricultural Education and Communication Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Institute of Food Extension Service. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. University of Florida. Original Publication date November 1992. Reviewed June 2003. ReviExtension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Original publication date November 1992. Reviewed June 2003.)
- Signature Assignments (Handout from Dr. Mary Allen’s on-campus workshop)
- Recommended assessment resources developed by other universities
- Mini-Resource Manual for Assessment Student Learning in the Major
- Recommended Assessment Books on Faculty-Reserve in the library
Assessment of Student-Learning Objectives (SLO)