The University Academic Assessment Committee (UAAC) serves as an assessment resource for faculty and academic program administrators. The committee reviews program-level student learning assessment plans and continuous improvement efforts, and provides feedback to the programs. Committee members stay current with best practices in program assessment so as to also be a training resource to their colleagues across campus. The process provides evidence of seeking continuous improvement of academic programs and supports compliance with SACSCOC Section 8.2.a and other program review and accreditation requirements.
Committee Charge
The University Academic Assessment Committee (UAAC) serves as a support resource for academic program faculty and administrators to identify and assess program learning outcome achievement, and to develop and implement actions based on analysis of these assessments. The process provides evidence of seeking continuous improvement of academic programs and supports compliance with SACSCOC requirements Section 8.2.a. The committee has the following key responsibilities:
- Conduct an annual audit of academic program assessment reports for quality, effectiveness, and compliance with SACSCOC and THECB standards. This feedback will be provided to each academic program annually.
- Review, identify and/or develop assessment tools and best practices and share those with colleagues.
- Assist with delivering workshops and training related to assessment best practices.
- Provide academic assessment compliance and quality reports to the Provost’s Office.
- Perform other activities pertaining to academic assessment as requested.
Committee Membership
Members of this committee are expected to serve as an assessment liaison and resource and advocate the continuous improvement process. Members will be selected by the Assistant Provost for Curriculum and Assessment, based on the committee interest survey and in consultation with colleges as needed. Committee membership is a three-year term; any member may opt to extend membership. Terms are staggered among the members to facilitate continuity.
Membership consists of the following:
- A minimum of two faculty members from each academic college. Ideally the faculty members are from different departments. These faculty members will serve as assessment liaisons and resources to their college faculty for the development of student learning outcome assessment practices and academic program continuous improvement plans.
- One department head, associate dean, or school dean per college, to serve as a conduit for information between academic assessment and the college leadership team.
- One representative from the Center for Educational Excellence will serve on the committee and facilitate training opportunities and implementation of assessment tools (e.g. in Canvas) through CEE.
- The University Assessment Director will chair the committee; the Assistant Provost for Curriculum and Assessment will co-chair the committee.
- The AVP for Curriculum, Assessment, and Faculty Affairs serves ex-officio.
See the UAAC Committee Members page for a list of current members.