Using The Facility

The Tarleton Physics Program’s Accelerator Facility is available for use by any educational and industrial group provided that the following three requirements are met:

  1. Dr. Marble is not already committed to another project
  2. the mission of the proposed project is within the objective’s of Tarleton Physics Program
  3. the facility and Dr. Marble are capable of performing the project.

Tours of the facility can be arranged by contacting Dr. Daniel K. Marble.


Since the Tarleton Physics Program’s accelerator is operated as a user facility in addition to supporting the education of physics majors in the Texas Physics Consortium, there are several different ways in which members outside the Physics Program at Tarleton can obtain either accelerator beam time or ion beam analysis.

  1. The facility provides educational laboratory experiences to high school students for free as part of its commitment to science education.
  2. Access to the facility is primarily provided through the development of collaborative funded research and education projects with Dr. Marble.
  3. Industrial users can also purchase IBA analysis – Costs are based upon customers requirements for data acquisition (costs include beam time usage, accelerator operator time, etc.) and data analysis.

It is suggested that users contact Dr. Marble to discuss your particular needs. We are always glad to perform a free analysis of a sample to determine if we can provide the analysis that you will require.

Collaborative Research

  1. US Army Research Laboratory
  2. Naval Surface Warfare Center at Carderock