
  1. To provide state-of-the-art ion beam analysis capabilities in support of research as laboratory experiences to support the Advanced Physics course for the Texas Physics Consortium.
  2. To provide state-of-the-art ion beam analysis to solve problems for Industry.
  3. To provide Tarleton Physics majors with research and educational opportunities in ion-atom collisions and other accelerator based fields of endeavor.
  4. To improve science education in Texas by providing educational opportunities for Texas high school teachers and students.


We are located in Stephenville, Texas (60 miles SW of Dallas/Ft. Worth and 120 miles North of Austin). Tarleton State University is a member institution of the Texas A&M University System.

Beginning in 1998, Dr. Marble and his students began conducting nuclear and materials research at numerous other accelerator facilities including the University of North Texas, United States Military Academy, SEDD and WMRD of the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, and Naval Surface Warfare Center at Carderock.

In 2001, a 1.0 MV tandem ion accelerator was obtained by Dr. Marble through a generous donation by Dr. Marc Nicolet and the California Institute of Technology. Over the years the accelerator facility in the Tarleton Physics Program has been upgraded and expanded through a variety of external and internal funding to include a modern electronic accelerator voltage control system, new accelerator column rods and chain tension system, dual gas bottles for ion changing, second UHV beamline with teaching chamber, ultra-thin window SiLi detector for x-rays, coincidence gamma ray detector for high sensitivity hydrogen profiling, HpGe detector and environmental shield, etc. The facility is located in Tarleton’s science building in Room 232. As a radiation producing instrument, access is restricted. Contact Dr. Marble for more information.


The accelerator and materials research group is directed by Dr. Daniel K. Marble of the Tarleton Physics Program.