These include, but are not limited to, hemiplegia, palsy, paraplegia, quadriplegia, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Lou Gehrig’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Many are caused by injury or disease.
Summary of Best Practices
- Provide descriptive and informative headings
- Provide descriptive and informative links
- Follow a linear and logical layout; design for mobile devices first
- Don’t force horizontal and vertical scrolling to view specific content; stick to vertical as often as possible
- Use white space to provide enough separation between actionable items
- Separate actionable items from a flier image that require selecting or typing
- Design for text-first; use proper semantics (e.g. paragraphs, headings, lists, tables)
- Build assuming users can only use a keyboard or speech recognition software; do not assume they can use a mouse
- Avoid navigation or interaction that require multiple selects
- Avoid short time out sessions
- Don’t force users to open documents outside webpages for all their information
Usage & Assistive Technologies
- WAI: How People with Disabilities Use the Web – Physical
- Web AIM: Motor Disabilities
- Web AIM: Motor Disabilities – Assistive Technologies