It is important that you consider accessibility well before you purchase the product because the accessibility review process itself can take up to three weeks. Contact the Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) Accessibility Coordinator for assistance and guidance.

We know this can be a long process, and we want to do everything we can to speed it along for you, so your users to have access to the technology as soon as possible. Please use these tips to assist us in moving your product through the procurement process.

Ensure your product is accessible before starting the procurement process.

Give yourself ample time to research several solutions. If the only accessible solution does not meet your primary goals or business needs, then you may consider alternative solutions. If no solution is accessible, then you will need to fill out the exception request template for the preferred product.

Get us involved early.

If you have concerns about the contract, our accessibility addendum or anything else regarding the procurement process, contact Procurements & Contracts for guidance.

If you have concerns about the accessibility of the technology or how it could be implemented in our websites or official Tarleton communication channels, contact the EIR Accessibility Coordinator.

Any other questions about implementation, security, maintenance, management, or training can be handled by Information Technology Service (ITS).


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