All embedded code (e.g. widgets, plugins, slideshows, audio/video players) requests are reviewed by Web Operations to ensure they comply with all laws and regulations. Include Web Operations in your investigation of third party content before you purchase any web or mobile app product, including those with embeddable code, so your purchase and implementation will occur more smoothly. Web Operations reserves the right to remove all harmful code at any time to ensure the security, privacy and accessibility of service to all our users.

Embedded code is treated like a full electronic and information resource (EIR) product. It should conform with all WCAG 2.0 requirements.

Flash “Widgets”

Adobe Flash products have had consistently negative feedback from users with disabilities. Accessibility advocates discourage its use in place of HTML5 alternatives.

Adobe Flash has had other negative feedback as well, including poor support on mobile video as well as security risks. Apple mobile video don’t support Flash. Firefox is heading that direction. Even social media executives are asking Adobe to finally say goodbye and accept the HTML5 solution.

There is no more general support for Flash, so in the end, you will need to convert everything off Flash as soon as possible for accessibility purposes. You don’t want to prepare for the end-of-life date after you cannot view your Flash products on browsers like Internet Explorer or Firefox. Prepare for its expected end-date, and do research on alternatives now! Contact Web Operations for assistance in possible solutions.

How do you know it is a Flash widget?

If you right-click on the widget in your browser, and it shows a menu option “About Adobe Flash Player [version]”, that is a Flash widget.

Below is a short list of examples that are not be transferable, along with any Tarleton-made Flash widgets:

  • Prezi presentations
  • Photobucket, Flickr, and other photo (and music) slideshows or galleries
  • Music players
  • Online form software
  • Calendar/events solutions
  • Clocks and countdowns
  • Chat room software

Some solutions are under investigation, while others have been vetted and purchased. For example, we currently have in place university-wide solutions for calendars, events, online forms and slideshows. Contact Web Operations for products currently available for your use.


Guides and How-To’s
