I want to:
Printable Admissions Forms
Residency Forms
Core Residency Questions
To be completed if an error was made on your application regarding residency.
Complete the Core Residency Questions form.
Affidavit of Intent to Become a Permanent Resident
To be completed by any individual who is not a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident of the United States that intends to become a permanent resident for tuition and fee purposes.
Complete the Affidavit of Intent to Become a Permanent Resident form.
Active Duty Military Certification
To be completed by students (and/or spouse and dependents) who are serving as active duty in Texas and are non-residents of the State of Texas. This form must be completed each fall semester for the tuition waiver to be applied. If the student entered the military as a Texas resident, he/she must supply appropriate documentation to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions prior to the twelfth class day.
Complete the Active Duty Military Certification form.
Senate Bill 297: Military Intent to Establish Residence
To be completed by students and/or dependent who has moved to Texas, is eligible for benefits under the federal Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (38 U.S.C. Section 3301 et seq.) or any other federal law authorizing educational benefits for veterans as long as they reside in Texas while attending college. If the student is the child of a veteran, they must be 25 years old or younger at the beginning of the relevant term, unless granted a hardship extension. The child may be a step-child of the veteran. The form must be completed and returned to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions prior to the census date (12th class day) of the semester. The form will allow the tuition waiver to be applied to receive in state tuition for each semester the student remains eligible moving forward. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions must verify months of eligibility with Tarleton’s Office of Veteran Services, so it is important the student contact Tarleton’s Veteran Services office to complete the benefit verification process when using this form.
Complete the Military Intent to Establish Residence form.
Additional Forms
Academic Fresh Start Acknowledgement
To be completed and returned by students before an admission decision is granted for the semester in which the student intends to enroll.
Complete the Academic Fresh Start Acknowledgement.
Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Score Release Form
To be completed by students in order to grant Tarleton State University permission to download your scores from the online system.
Complete the TSI Score Release Form.
If you completed the TSI at your high school, your counselor can fax, email, or mail the scores to us. We will email you if we cannot access your scores.
Military TSI Exemption
Complete the Military TSI Exemption
Application Withdrawal
To be completed by students who wish to withdraw an application to Tarleton State University. The submission of this form will terminate the application process.
Complete the Application Withdrawal.
The Office of Undergraduate Admissions does not withdraw applications if a student is registered in courses. If you are currently registered for courses, please email the Office of the Registrar or call 254-968-9417 for withdraw procedures.
Change of Semester
We understand life happens and you may not be able to join us for the semester you planned. If you would like to attend a different semester, complete and submit the form below.
Please note: depending on your most recent application, you may not qualify for a change of semester. If you are not eligible, you may need to submit a new application. Monitor your email for updates.
Freshman Admissions Appeals
Freshman applicants to Tarleton State University who do not meet regular admission requirements may request further consideration by completing a Freshman Admissions Appeal. An appeal to reconsider our original admission decision may or may not change the decision.
Students are encouraged to appeal only if:
- Their academic credentials (test scores, grades, etc.) have changed significantly; or
- They wish to provide additional information that further explains personal circumstances that may have affected their ability to meet admissions requirements.
All-Freshman Admission Appeal decisions are final.
Appeal Process FAQ’s
Are recommendation letters required?
Recommendation letters are not required but are accepted. Please email them to admissions@tarleton.edu.
What is the decision timeline for my appeal?
There is not currently a timeline for appeals. Please monitor your email for updates.
Can Transfer students appeal?
No, only Freshman students can appeal. Transfer students may email transfer@tarleton.edu or call 254-968-9353 to inquire about an appeal.
Can International Freshman students appeal?
Yes, please complete the form.
What tips do you have for an appeals application?
Be sure to answer all parts of the personal statement prompts and include all extracurricular activities, community service, work experience, accomplishments, or other pertinent activities achieved throughout high school.
Application Withdrawal Form
Residency Reclassification Form
Complete and submit the Residency Reclassification Form below.
You will be contacted via your student email regarding the documents you are required to submit. For more information on residency reclassification requirements, click here.
Submit Transcripts
First-time Freshman
Students must request their high school sends their official transcript to us. We accept official transcripts via the following methods:
Electronically through:
- Parchment/Naviance
- TREX (Texas high schools only)
- eScrip using admissions@tarleton.edu
- eScribbles
- Credentials
- Xello
- Overgrad
- Greenlight
- Scoir
Emailed officially from the high school to admissions@tarleton.edu
Mailed in a sealed envelope from the high school to (must contain school representative signature and school seal):
Tarleton State University
Undergraduate Admissions
You are responsible for sending official transcripts from every institution they have attended. We cannot post dual credit from a high school transcript. Most transcripts can be sent electronically from previous institutions, through the following:
- Escrip-safe (Credentials Solutions)
- Parchment
- National Clearinghouse
Please use transfer@tarleton.edu as the receiving email.
Fee Waivers
Tarleton State University will grant an application fee waiver if a student meets one of the following criteria within one year of the application term.
First-time Freshman
- Evidence that the student has received a waiver for the SAT or ACT
- Documentation that the student is on free or reduced lunch at the high school
- A letter from the high school counselor or school authority detailing the student’s economic circumstances and financial difficulty
- Documentation (Tuition Exemption Approval Form 1810) the student was a ward of the State of Texas
- (Home school students only) Submit a copy of the parent/guardian’s most recent income tax form to determine if the student would qualify for free/reduced lunches
- Documentation from previous institution (within one year of attendance) that the student received need-based grants and/or scholarships
- Current documentation of public assistance for the student
- Documentation from previous institution’s Student Success or TRIO department stating the student participated in their program within 12 months of attending Tarleton State University
- Documentation (Tuition Exemption Approval Form 1810) the student was a ward of the State of Texas
If you do not meet the criteria for a fee waiver please click below to complete your payment:
Please send documentation to:
Tarleton State University
Undergraduate Admissions
Box T-0030
Stephenville, TX 76402
Fax: 254-968-9951
Email: admissions@tarleton.edu
Admissions Staff & Contact Information
Main Office
Phone Number: 254-968-9125
Fax: 254-968-9951
First Name | Last Name | Title | Phone Number | |
Cindy | Hess | hess@tarleton.edu | Senior Director of Undergraduate Admissions | 254-968-9123 |
Emily | Treadaway | treadaway@tarleton.edu | Assistant Director, Undergraduate Admissions | 254-968-9353 |
Tanya | Elston | elston@tarleton.edu | Student Assessment Coordinator | 254-968-9269 |
Becca | Bishop | rbishop@tarleton.edu | Assistant Director, Undergraduate Admissions | 254-968-0525 |
Karen | Hanshew | hanshew@tarleton.edu | Administrative Coordinator | 254-968-9123 |
Christy | Price | cprice@tarleton.edu | Application Processor | 254-459-5653 |
Jordyn | Jones | jjones2@tarleton.edu | Admissions Processor | 254-968-9752 |
Chelse | Alvarado | calvarado@tarleton.edu | Admissions Processor | 254-968-1816 |
Janis | Shoot | shoot@tarleton.edu | Admissions Processor | 254-968-1724 |
Trudy | Woody | woody@tarleton.edu | Transfer Processor | 254-968-9299 |
Morgan | Williams | mwilliams2@tarleton.edu | Transcript Analyst | 254-968-9406 |
Callie | Duke | cduke@tarleton.edu | Transcript Analyst | 254-968-0520 |