Please Read:


  1. Login to your myGateway account
  2. Select “Submit Bacterial Meningitis Proof”
    • No Fee Option: You can submit your health forms for free without any upgrade.
    • Paid Upgrade: For $10, you can access additional benefits from Med+Proctor.

Where to Get Vaccinated:

  • Your healthcare provider
  • Local health clinics
  • Pharmacies
  • Tarleton Student Health Services
  • Please allow 3-4 weeks to receive the exemption from the state
  • Request multiple so you have extras
  • More information about the exemption form:
  • Receive your exemption form in the mail
  • Visit a Notary Public (courthouse, city offices, banks, attorney office)
  • Have the form notarized and mail to Tarleton within 90 days of notarization
    • Mail to: Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Box T-0030, Stephenville, TX 76402.
    • For overnight delivery: Tarleton State University, Undergraduate Admissions, 201 St. Felix, Stephenville, TX 76401.
    • Hand Deliver to: Tarleton Center – Texan Services and check-in to see an Admissions employee

NOTICE: The law does not specify which Meningitis vaccine students must receive. The vaccine covering types A, C, W, Y (Menveo, Menactra) is the vaccine that covers the predominant strains of bacteria causing meningitis in this region. It is the most common meningitis vaccine that is currently administered. The Penbraya vaccine (covers all five meningitis strains – A, B, C, W, Y) and Meningitis B vaccine (Trumenba, Bexsero) are available as well. While Meningitis B is less common in this region, outbreaks on college campuses in other parts of the country have occurred.  Students and parents should discuss with their healthcare provider which vaccines are most appropriate for their own circumstance. For additional information regarding the variances in Meningitis vaccines, please visit the CDC Meningitis Vaccine website.

Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Requirement*

Texas Senate Bill 1107 (now TEC 51.9192) requires all students entering an institution of higher education (public and private) to either receive a vaccination against bacterial meningitis or meet certain criteria for declining such a vaccination before the first day of the semester. Tarleton is partnering with Med+Proctor for the submission of bacterial meningitis vaccination records. Please watch the Tarleton Med+Proctor video for more information.

Once you’ve been admitted, register with Med+Proctor in order to complete and submit your Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination record. 

You are exempt from the vaccination requirements if any of the following apply:

  • You will be age 22 or older on the first day of the semester you are exempt.
  • You cannot take the vaccine because it would be injurious to your health and well-being. Submit an affidavit or a certificate signed by a physician who is duly registered and licensed to practice medicine in the United States, in which it is stated that, in the physician’s opinion, the vaccination required would be injurious to the health and well-being of the student.
  • You decline the vaccine due to reasons of conscience, including a religious belief.  PLEASE NOTE: Before you will be allowed to register for classes, you must complete and submit an original, Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) Vaccine Exemption Affidavit Form Affidavit Request for Exemption from Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience. This is the only acceptable documentation for this exemption, and this process takes a significant amount of time. Tarleton must receive the original document within 90 days of being notarized; uploaded, faxed or emailed copies are not acceptable.  Please mail the completed, original form to Admissions Processing or you may bring it to your Texan Orientation.
    • Mail: Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Box T-0030, Stephenville, TX 76402
    • Hand Delivery: Tarleton Center – Texan Services and check-in to see an Admissions employee
    • OR Freshmen may bring it to your Texan Orientation

*Texas Senate Bill 1107 (Now TEC 51.9192)

Important Information about Bacterial Meningitis

This information is being provided to all new college students in the state of Texas. Bacterial Meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress extremely fast, so take utmost caution. It is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The bacteria that cause meningitis can also infect the blood. This disease strikes about 3,000 Americans each year, including 100-125 on college campuses, leading to 5-15 deaths among college students every year. There is a treatment, but those who survive may develop severe health problems or disabilities.

What are the symptoms?

  • High fever
  • Severe headache
  • Rash or purple patches on skin
  • Vomiting
  • Light sensitivity
  • Stiff neck
  • Confusion and sleepiness
  • Nausea
  • Lethargy
  • Seizures

There may be a rash of tiny, red-purple spots caused by bleeding under the skin. These can occur anywhere on the body. The more symptoms, the higher the risk, so when these symptoms appear seek immediate medical attention.

How is the disease transmitted?

The disease is transmitted when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing, or by sharing drinking containers, utensils, cigarettes, toothbrushes, etc.) or come in contact with respiratory or throat secretions.

How do you increase your risk of getting Bacterial Meningitis?

Exposure to saliva by sharing cigarettes, water bottles, eating utensils, food, kissing, etc.

Living in close conditions (such as sharing a room/suite in a dorm or group home)

What are the possible consequences of the disease?

  • Death (in 8 to 24 hours from perfectly well to dead)
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Kidney failure
  • Learning disability
  • Hearing loss, blindness
  • Limb damage (fingers, toes, arms, legs) that requires amputation
  • Gangrene
  • Coma
  • Convulsions

Can the disease be treated?

  • Antibiotic treatment, if received early, can save lives and chances of recovery are increased. However, permanent disability or death can still occur.
  • Vaccinations are available and should be considered for:
    • Those living in close quarters
    • College students 25 years old or younger
  • Vaccinations are effective against four of the five most common bacterial types that cause 70% of the disease in the U.S. (but do not protect against all types of meningitis).
  • Vaccinations take 7-10 days to become effective, with protection lasting 3-5 years.
  • The cost of the vaccine varies, so check with your health care provider.
  • Vaccination is very safe — most common side effects are redness and minor pain at injection site for up to two days.
  • Vaccination is available at Tarleton Student Health Services. They are located in Traditions North, first floor. For registered students, the fee can be prorated on the student’s bill.

How can I find out more information?

Important Considerations

  • You should not attempt to register with Med+Proctor as a Tarleton student before you’re admitted.
  • Freshmen are encouraged to provide documentation to Med+Proctor prior to their Texan Orientation.
  • The bacterial meningitis vaccination is available at the Tarleton Student Health Services. For registered students, the fee can be prorated on the student’s bill.
  • International students are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to obtain the bacterial meningitis vaccination BEFORE entering the United States.
  • You must receive the bacterial meningitis vaccination at least 10 days prior to the start of the semesterThe vaccination must be no more than five years old from the date you first enroll.

Deadline to Submit Documentation

Spring 2025January 6
Summer 2025May 9
Fall 2025August 10

Contact Information

For questions or assistance, please contact: