Department of Agricultural Education and Communication
The Department of Agricultural Education and Communication was created with the flexibility to design career programs for students. Individuals seeking knowledge in education, communications, and various humanistic interactions within all segments of the agricultural industry will find interest in the department’s offerings. Each program requires students to complete an internship related to their field of study prior to graduation. The Department of Agricultural Education and Communication teacher certification program (Agricultural Education), has received state and national recognition by routinely leading the state of Texas and the nation in number of graduates certified to teach.
The Department of Agricultural Education and Communication administers the Bachelor of Science degree with the following degree programs and support areas:

Agricultural Field Machinery and Fabrication Laboratory
Department Head: Dr. Chris Haynes
Office: Joe W. Autry Building, 104
B.S. in Agricultural Services and Development
- Agri-Industries & Agencies Prepares students for a career in agricultural business, industry, agriculture extension, and government agency settings. The degree provides a broad-based agricultural experience and allows the student to specialize in an area of agriculture or business.
- Interdisciplinary Agriculture Flexible degree program to prepare students for a variety of agricultural careers. Provides broad exposure to agriculture and allows students to select a specialized focus area in the various agricultural disciplines.
B.S. in Agricultural Communication
- Agricultural Communication Provides the student with both agricultural and communication knowledge and skills for exciting careers in agricultural publications, radio, livestock organizations, commodity groups, and governmental agencies that provide communication and information.
B.S. in Agricultural Education
- Agricultural Science with Teacher Certification (Agricultural Education) Commonly referred to as Agricultural Education. Provides the skills and knowledge to become a teacher of Agricultural Science in public schools or pursue employment with government and agricultural business and industry.
M.S. in Agricultural and Consumer Resources
- Leadership Track (Thesis and Non-Thesis)
- Teacher Certification Track (only available face-to-face on the Stephenville campus)
Division of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics
B.S. in Agribusiness
- Agribusiness Management Prepares students for entry-level positions such as the retail/wholesale sectors of agribusiness or the businesses and agencies supporting the agricultural industry.
- Agricultural Economics Designed to prepare students for a career in the analytical or research sectors of production, marketing, or finance. Recommended for students preparing for graduate study.
- Personal and Small Business Financial Planning To meet the needs and interests of students wishing a career as a financial planner.
- Dairy Business Management Industry-designed for students who plan a career in the sector of dairy operations and supporting infrastructure including input suppliers and the processing and distribution of dairy products.
M.S. in Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Economics (Thesis Track)
- Agribusiness (Non-Thesis Track)
“The Ag Comm department at Tarleton prepared me for my career in ways I did not fully understand during my time in Stephenville, but am so thankful for now. I firmly believe that I would not be where I am today without the block program specifically. It gave me a taste of real-life and provided me with the direction and support I needed from my Tarleton mentors. It made me stop and think about what I was experiencing during my internship. It forced me to evaluate how everything I had learned during my time at TSU related to what my superiors now expected of me at work. I am so thankful for my time as an AS&D major and would not change a thing about the education provided to me by Tarleton State University.”
Katie Lynn Armstrong