Department of Agricultural Education and Communication is proud to present the current class of Agricultural Communication, and Agri-Industries interns.

Block classes are required to be taken together and cannot be taken in combination with any other classes during the students last semester.  Block Courses include prescribed professional development coursework followed by the completion of a full-time (40 hour/week) internship for the remainder of the semester.  The capstone internship is an academic experience for credit hours toward a degree in a job supervised by a participating employer and participating university. Students will complete an approved supervised work experience with an agricultural services organization, industry, or communications organization.

Example organizations serving as internship sites for this group include the following: Texas AgriLife Extension, Tarleton Equine Assisted Therapy (TREAT), Superior Livestock, Mammoth National Park, Texas Farm Bureau, Cultivate Agency, Heart of Texas Fair, Wolfe’s Nursery, Champion Ranch, Texas Homegrown Radio, Wilbur Ellis, Rural Media Group – RFD-TV, Barrel Horse News, Farm & Ranch enterprises, and many other private industries.

Anyone interested in learning more about these programs or want to contact an intern for possible employment, is encouraged to email the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication at

Dr. Chandra Andrew (Agricultural Communication)

Dr. Jean Lonie (Agri-Industries & Agencies, Interdisciplinary Agriculture)

Dr. Brant Poe (Agri-Industries & Agencies, Interdisciplinary Agriculture)