Tarleton State University logo with a "T" over Texas.

Dr. Trinette Jones

Interim Department Head and Associate Professor
Email: tnjones@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 116
Phone: (254)-968-9636

Person wearing glasses and a purple blouse against a purple background.

Ms. Julie Phillips

Administrative Assistant IV
Email: jphillips@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 116
Phone: (254)-968-9222

Smiling person against a purple background.

Dr. Sam Barker

Assistant Professor

Email: sbarker@tarleton.edu

Office: Autry 309D

Woman smiling against a purple background.

Ms. Kara Blackwell

Visiting Instructor

Email: kblackwell@tarleton.edu

Office: Autry 309

Woman in a purple polo shirt against a gray background.

Ms. Michelle Cockrell

Instructor & Coordinator of Veterinary Technology
Email: mcockrell@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 309B
Phone: (254)-968-9259

Smiling person with glasses against a purple background.

Dr. Zully E. Contreras-Correa

Assistant Professor
Email: zcontrerascorrea@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 305D
Phone: (254)-968-568

Woman in a purple Tarleton State University shirt.

Dr. Kimberly Guay

Associate Professor
Email: guay@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 309C
Phone: (254) 968-9711

A man with a beard wearing a white shirt and beige vest, with a boutonniere.

Mr. Eric Harwell

Meats Lab Manager and Instructor
Email: eharwell@tarleton.edu
Office: Meats Lab
Phone: (254)-968-1836

Smiling woman in a pink Tarleton State University polo shirt.

Mrs. Shelby Huxen

Instructor and Coordinator of Tarleton’s Equine Assisted Therapeutic Riding program
Email: huxen@tarleton.edu
Office: Equine Center 101C
Phone: (254) 968-9847

More Information 

Man in a light green shirt against a gray background.

Mr. Jared Jackson

Email: jjackson@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 305B
Phone: (254)-968-9657

Smiling person with arms crossed, wearing a patterned scarf.

Dr. Jessica Leatherwood

Associate Professor
Email: jleatherwood@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 117
Phone: (254)-968-1697

Man in a beige vest with a purple background.

Dr. Rafael Martinez

Assistant Professor
Email: rmartinez@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 305A
Phone: (254) 595-7001

Smiling woman against a purple background.

Ms. Lily Martin

Visiting Instructor & Coordinator

Email: lmartin@tarleton.edu
Office: Dairy

Man in a cowboy hat with a Tarleton State University logo on his jacket.

Dr. W.F. “Frank” Owsley

Associate Dean and Professor
Email: owsley@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 304
Phone: (254)-968-9216

Woman with long blonde hair in a white blazer, smiling against a purple background.

Ms. Michaela Plowman

Visiting Lecturer
Email: mplowman@tarleton.edu
Office: Dairy 102
Phone: (254) 968-1773

Woman smiling in a white shirt with Tarleton State University logo.

Ms. Emily Purnell

Email: epurnell@tarleton.edu
Office: Dairy 103
Phone: (254) 968-5652

Tarleton State University logo with a "T" over Texas.

Dr. Randy Rosiere

Email: rosiere@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 208
Phone: (254)-968-9218
Dr. Rosiere’s Website

Smiling person in a black shirt with Tarleton State University logo.

Ms. Heather Ruemke

Email: hruemke@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 310
Phone: (254)-968-9212

Tarleton State University logo with a "T" over Texas.

Dr. Cheyenne Runyan

Assistant Professor
Email: runyan@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 305D
Phone: (254)-968-9306

Smiling person in a white blazer and purple top.

Ms. Paxton Turner

Visiting Instructor
Email: pturner@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 304
Phone: (254)-968-5490

Woman in a purple shirt with Tarleton State University logo.

Ms. Bobbie Walton

Instructor & Director of the Equine Center
Email: rwalton@tarleton.edu
Office: Equine Center 101A
Phone: (254)-968-9679

A person in a blue striped shirt smiles at the camera.

Dr. Edward Webb

Email: ewebb@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 309B
Phone: (254)-459-45492

Smiling person with long blonde hair in a gray blazer.

Dr. Kimberly Wellmann

Assistant Professor
Email: kwellmann@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 309A
Phone: (254)-968-9211