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100 Days

Reisman, Lindsay


I feel empty
as if someone has taken all the bones and organs from inside of my body, and all that’s left is skin and muscle, useless.

I’ve been crying
the sticky wet tracks on my face reveal the pain I try so hard to hide during the daylight... laughing so no one sees.

My mind races
I try to grab hold of all the memories I’ve had with you, reaching to the past, avoiding the pain that is tomorrow.

I am cold
my body yearns for your embrace and the warmth your love brings as we hold ourselves in each other; you in me.

It is quiet
I scream with my mp3 player, avoiding the deafening silence that brings the facts my mind has hidden into view.

This is endless
the hours are centuries, the minutes decades, the moments years, as I look ahead to the next 100 days without you.