A Summer Checklist for Incoming Freshmen

There is nothing better than sweet summer time, and if you’re reading this you are probably about to go to college in the fall! How exciting! Between snow cones, lake days, vacations, and late summer nights, I encourage you to check some things off of this “Incoming Student Summer Checklist”. 

A group of people sitting outdoors, facing forward, with sunlight in the background.

Sign up for a Texan Orientation

At Tarleton, Texan Orientation is required for all freshmen to attend the summer before you start your classes. At Orientation you will have the opportunity to meet with your advisor and register for you classes! EXCITING! During this time you will also be able to familiarize yourself with the campus and to see your residential hall and dining options firsthand. Orientation is the first real chance you’ll have to make new friends with incoming Texans, so be open to introductions and don’t be afraid to start a conversation during campus tours. If you have not signed up for orientation and you are an admitted student, please visit here!

Consider your campus schedule options

Take some time this summer to think about your day in college. When do you think you will want to take your classes/labs? Are you an early morning person or would you rather start your classes later? Also use this time to review our majors, and think about the degree plan you want to talk to your advisor about! 

Sign up for Duck Camp 

Duck Camp is an event that Tarleton is known for! It is a great opportunity to learn about Tarleton traditions, meet friends, and meet a mentor! Check out this blog on “Duck Camp, We Love it!” for more details! Ready to sign up? Click here

Two individuals wearing purple 'Duck & Camp' shirts smiling and posing together outdoors.

Friend your Roommate 

Thanks to social media, it is easy to find your roommate and connect with them! Reach out and if you’re close enough maybe meet for lunch, or exchange phone numbers. It is always fun to plan dorm room decor with your roommate and we recommend connecting before you move! 

Check your myGateway and Tarleton Go Email for Updates

This is very important. You may need to submit some final documents like your Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination, final HS transcripts, and dual credit college transcripts. Our offices will be communicating what we need from you so be sure to check that email! Also, important updates including financial aid and tuition payments will be sent to your email as well. It is important to stay on top of this over the summer to ensure that your aid is disbursed. 

Review your Texan Move-In Schedule and Packing List 

Tarleton’s Housing Office will send you the move-in schedule to move into your home away from home. Review it early so you know the process before you get here. We have also created a packing list for you to look over if you are doing some shopping for your dorm this summer! 

Two people wearing blue 'Tarleton Movers' shirts pushing carts of items in a university dormitory area on a rainy day.

Enjoy your summer with friends and family 

Summer will fly by and more than likely you will be leaving behind friends and family when you move to college. Use this time to live in the moment and spend time with loved ones! You will miss them while you are away, but that is why there is Facetime. 🙂 

If you have any questions that you would like to ask your Tarleton Admission Counselor regarding enrolling at Tarleton, find your counselor here. We cannot wait to have you as a Tarleton Texan! Enjoy your summer! 

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