Hi everyone! My name is Abby Valenta and I am the Admissions Counselor for the East Central Texas region at Tarleton State University. It is my job to help students through the application and admissions process as well as provide resources and educate students about Tarleton State University. I grew up in San Antonio, Texas and I am a graduate of James Madison High School. In 2022, I graduated from Tarleton State University with a B.S. in Communication Studies, Professional and Relational Communication concentration, with a minor in Psychology.
Fun Facts
- I was on a jump rope team when I was in elementary school.
- I began my time at Tarleton as a Pre-Nursing major.
- The farthest I have traveled from Texas is Seattle, Washington.
Favorite Tarleton Tradition

Duck Camp! We love it! It gives incoming freshmen an opportunity to learn about the traditions of Tarleton, meet other students before the semester even begins, and get excited about the college days ahead.
Favorite Tarleton Fun Fact
The Purple Poo is the oldest spirit organization in the state of Texas.
Favorite Spot on Campus
The Hunewell Bandstand
What was your favorite thing about being a student?

Tarleton has so many opportunities to get involved and connect with people. With over 150 student organizations, there is a really good chance that there is an organization for you at Tarleton! When you surround yourself with others who have similar academic interests, hobbies, beliefs, etc., you will likely have a more memorable college experience. There are also many resources available to help students academically and professionally.
Best College Experience
The best college experience during my time as a student at Tarleton was my involvement at the Tarleton Baptist Student Ministry (BSM). I had the privilege to serve on the leadership team for 3 semesters. This organization and its leaders were encouraging to all Tarleton students and gave me an opportunity to grow in my faith and serve the campus of Tarleton while also pursuing my degree.

Something You Would Like a Prospective Student to Know
It’s okay if you’re not sure what you want to do when you get to college. If you want to change your major, change it! You don’t have to plan your entire life at the start of college.
What’s the best part of your job?
Whether I’m visiting incoming freshmen right out of high school or transfer students, I enjoy talking with students about their academic dreams and seeing those come to fruition. There is nothing like helping a student who is so excited about joining the Tarleton family!

Ask ALL the questions! Going to college can be overwhelming at times, that’s why your admissions counselor is here to help you every step of your application and admission process.