Are You Ready For Decision Day 2025?

Purple and dark purple background with 'decision day 2025' text and sticker style cut-outs of 4 students.

What is Decision Day?

Taking place on May 1st, National Decision Day is when millions of college students around the world officially commit to the college of their choice. However, it is important students decide before May 1st that way they can join the celebration! All students who register for Texan Orientation and sign up for Decision Day before March 27th will be on the decision day list and receive a decision day gift.

Tarleton student holding up the Tarleton flag with the caption "it's decision day y'all #tarletonbound"

How to Participate

Step 1: Register For Orientation (if you haven’t already)

We won’t be able to send you your decision day gift without this step being complete!

Step 2: Sign Up for Decision Day

We will be celebrating the Tarleton class of 2029 on May 1st, National College Decision Day. Join the celebration on social media by using #tarletonbound.

Let everyone know you are coming to Tarleton!

Post on Instagram on Thursday, May 1st, with your Tarleton Swag and use #tarletonbound to celebrate your journey. You can also email your photos to to be featured in future posts.

Whether you’re sharing on social media or just want to join in the celebration, we’d love to see your Tarleton pride!

Illustration of a cupcake with a Tarleton logo.
Illustration of a Tarleton cube.
Illustration of a Tarleton purple party hat.

Student Testimony

As an incoming freshman, Decision Day played a crucial role in my Tarleton experience. At first, I was not sure what Decision Day really was, but I kept seeing the opportunity to sign up on my Instagram. I was already excited to come to Tarleton so I figured I might as well sign up.  I soon after forgot that I even signed up for Decision Day until I received my Decision Day gift. Receiving this gift only added to my excitement to go to Tarleton and helped make the transition to college feel a little less intimidating.

As Decision Day approaches, seize the opportunity to join the Tarleton family. Committing to Tarleton is not just about deciding on a college; its about joining a family, having the opportunity for exciting experiences, and preparing for your future. Your adventure begins here! #TarletonBound