Let’s Celebrate with Digital Downloads!
Congratulations on choosing Tarleton State University! To celebrate, download printouts for a fun party, use GIFs to liven up your Instagram and Snapchat stories, or download a phone/computer wallpaper!

Select the options below to download printouts for your graduation or decision day party!

To use Tarleton Bound GIFS/Stickers on Instagram/Snapchat/more, search one of the following keywords:
- tarletondecisionday or tarleton decision day
- tarletonbound or tarleton bound



College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Dr. Sam Pack College of Business

College of Education

College of Health Sciences

College of Liberal and Fine Arts

College of Science and Mathematics

Mayfield College of Engineering

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Dr. Sam Pack College of Business

College of Education

College of Health Science

College of Liberal and Fine Arts

College of Science and Mathematics

Mayfield College Of Engineering