Getting Involved on Campus!

As a Tarleton State University student, you will have many opportunities to get involved throughout your time here. Tarleton offers recreational sports, clubs, fraternities/sororities, and over 100 different student organizations! There are plenty of organizations on campus that will fit exactly what you are looking for when wanting to get involved.

Fraternity and Sorority Life

A group of people playing cornhole on a grassy area in front of a brick building on a sunny day.
Greek Life Corn Hole Tournament

Do you want to be involved in a sisterhood or brotherhood that strives for leadership development, academic excellence, and community service? Well lucky for you Tarleton has a total of 18 fraternities/sororities with over 900 members that are involved and ready to welcome you as their newest recruit! Each of these groups report to three Greek councils which are InterFraternity Council, InterGreek Council, and the Panhellenic Council. These councils have their own unique identity, goals and recruitment/intake process. Being a part of these groups will help you make new friends and create bonds that last a lifetime! The benefits of being a Greek are many ways to get involved on campus, leadership skills, scholarship opportunities, networking, and countless memories.  Greek Life Info!

Campus Recreational Sports

Three people in fishing gear on a boat with a Tarleton State University logo, one holding a fish.
Bass Fishing Team

If you want to continue playing sports or want to try a new sport, we have a great selection of intramural sports that you can choose from! The sports that are currently being offered are flag football, volleyball, softball, soccer, basketball, and sand volleyball. Many students enjoy going to intramural games with friends to support their favorite teams. This is a great way for students to meet people and participate in a fun way of exercising! Tarleton also offers Sport Clubs for students to try out for many different teams. These teams are men’s/women’s lacrosse, rugby, men’s/women’s volleyball, shotgun sports, bass fishing, powerlifting, men’s/women’s soccer, tennis, mixed martial arts, and so many more! Sport Clubs are open to all enrolled students for tryouts. These clubs participate in many competitions throughout their season. Continuing your physical activity during college is a great way to stay in shape and be involved on campus!  Intramurals – Sport Clubs

Academic Clubs

Many departments have clubs that students can join that educate students and provide them with information that is important to their future careers. A well-known club in the College of Business is Omicron Delta Epsilon. This honor society is one of the largest in the world with 696 chapters around the globe! Chapter activities may include group discussions, invited speakers, dinners, meeting, review sessions, and tutoring for its members. Getting involved with a club in your area of interest will help expand your knowledge of that subject and create relationships with mentors. 

Four people at a table with laptops, engaged in discussion.

Student Workers

Working on campus for any department whether it be for dining services, The Rec, the Library, or as an intern is an opportunity to be more involved on campus. Being a student worker gives you the chance to earn scholarships, participate in events on campus, and gain experience that you might need in the future! Student Worker Info

There are so many different organizations and clubs for you to choose from if you want to get more involved on campus! It is a great opportunity to learn more about that organization, learn leadership skills, meet new friends, and make connections with mentors/faculty. If you are interested in joining an organization, click the button down below!

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