How to Prepare your Student for College

A blog for parents.

Does it feel like you blinked and now your child is 18 and about to move away to pursue their college dreams? Even though your student is the one going off to college, the college process involves the whole family. We understand you have so many questions and emotions right now. Here are some tips to help prepare your child for their first year at college!

  1. Be Supportive

Maybe your child did not choose the college or major that you were hoping for or they are going too far or staying too close to home, but it is still crucial for you to support their decisions. College is a time for your child to spread their wings, make their own decisions, and start to pave their own path to their future. Your child is probably nervous whether they show it or not. Make sure they know you are in their corner no matter what. It is important to be helpful and always have a listening ear for your student. 

  1. Encourage them to check their email 

College is all about responsibility. The summer leading up to move-in the university will be sending many next steps and updates to your child’s email. It is important for your student to realize early how important it is to check not only their personal email, but their Tarleton email as well. Professors almost always reach out via email, including important deadlines to sign up for classes, etc. If you would like to sign up for parent email updates please fill out the form here to subscribe! You don’t want to miss out on important updates, deadlines, and requests from our offices! 

  1. Create a Packing List 

So many college essentials can be easily overlooked when your child is packing for college. Did you remember the bed raisers, or the shower shoes? Sit down with your child and create a list. Everything from kitchen essentials, to clothes and school supplies. Check out this packing list provided by our Office of Residential Life! 

  1. Help them develop a budget 

College is usually the first time that kids manage their own budgets and this can be a big learning curve. It is encouraged to sit down with your child, help them by explaining how to budget and save money, and how their student loans and financial aid work. We offer Texan Smart, a Financial Center that helps students with skills in regards to financial wellness and well-being. 

  1. Go over their medical insurance 

If your child needs to see a doctor while they are away at college, it is important for them to know which doctors are in their network and how to use their insurance. On Tarleton’s campus we have a health center as well as in town we have a hospital and urgent care facilities. This will give you a peace of mind as a parent as well as knowing that your student will know how to take care of themselves if a situation ever occurs. 

  1. Help them with a class schedule 

You know your child better than anyone, and you know if an early morning class or a class right after lunch is not for them. Of course once your child has experienced their first semester they may have a better idea of how they want to set up their schedule. For their first semester, we encourage you to help them decide what times and classes they will be most successful in. Teach them to be organized and to keep their schedule and well-being a priority. 

Even though it feels like your child is stepping away from needing you, they are going to need you more than ever during college.. At Tarleton, we have a number of student support services to assist your student on this journey. They may call home complaining about a head cold or a difficult class and they need to be reminded by mom or dad about the Student Health Center or free tutoring. A strong support system is crucial for your student’s  success their first year. Help them prepare and then let them spread their wings. What an exciting time!

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