How to support your Tarleton Texan during exam season

It’s the most stressful time of the year (commonly referred to by college students as exam season). A time when student’s whits are put to the ultimate test. A time when one chapter closes, allowing another to open. 

Unfortunately, exam season can also be a time when students experience increased levels of stress-induced anxiety.

male student working on his laptop in the engineering building

According to both incoming and current Tarleton State University students, 82% experience anxiety during exam season. Of the 325 students that were polled, 10% said they were unsure how they felt during exam season.

These feelings of stress or uncertainty, if untreated, can negatively impact the mental, physical and emotional health of students. 

Watching your student struggle during exam season is tough. However, there are several key ways you can help alleviate their stress and support them in succeeding during their exams.

A healthy mind and body is a nourished mind and body. Encourage your student to periodically take breaks to ease their stress during the studying process. Make sure to provide them with plenty of nutritious snacks (fruits, vegetables and hydration) to keep their body energized. The chances of them taking proper care of their mind and body during such a stressful, busy time are quite limited.

Most likely, your student’s exams will consist of comprehensive multiple-choice tests. If this is the case, help test their knowledge with the use of flashcards! This is an excellent way to help them study while providing them with a realistic sense of how prepared (or underprepared) they are.

Your student might not come right out and say it but they are TIRED! The stress of multiple exams coupled with the pressure of maintaining their extracurriculars and at-home responsibilities can be a recipe for disaster. Take this time to lighten up on assigning more chores and give them a chance to rest whenever they are not preparing for their tests.

(Also applies to current college students.)

Sit down with your student and discuss a post-exam incentive. This could be something as small as giving them a mini-shopping spree at their favorite store or something grand like a weekend trip to their favorite place! Having something to look forward to will keep students motivated during this stressful time.

(Also applies to current college students.)

Positivity breeds positivity. By actively encouraging positive self-talk, you can help your student keep their spirits up during a time where they are much more likely to practice negative self-talk.  You may hear them say things like “I’m going to fail” and “This is pointless, I’m just going to guess on the test”. Serve as a listening ear while encouraging them to be positive. 

If they continue to express their worries, have a conversation to pinpoint how you can help them!

(Also applies to current college students.)

Everyone manages stress differently. Some students will want a parent that is willing to help them study while others will find comfort in simply having a parent that gives them space and occasionally brings snacks. The beauty of it is that you don’t have to guess, you can simply ask! Be there for them in any way they need even if that means giving them their space.

(Also applies to current college students.)

Whether they want you to be hands-on or completely out of the equation, make sure to pay attention to the signs of early on-set depression.

 If you notice that your student is acting irregularly due to the increased stress, do not ignore it. Implement self care and mental health services to keep your student safe, happy and healthy.

Sometimes, simply reminding your student that you’re proud is enough to make them feel like they can conquer the world. That’s exactly what they need during midterm/exam season. Whether it’s a phone call, voicemail, text message or snail mail, your words of encouragement will give your student the extra push they need to tackle (and ace) their exams.

Food is the key to every college kid’s heart! Send your student a care package with their favorite treats and knick knacks to give them a piece of home (and love) during their exams. 

If you don’t want to put together a box, companies like SnackBOX offer promenade care packages with some of the best goodies around! 

For the Tarleton Texans in need of a little extra on-campus help, accessing the various resources like SI sessions and the writing center might be just the trick!

Exam season is already a tough time for students, both incoming and current. As a parent, the best thing you can do is be there!

Exam season, although a bit daunting, is short-lived. Once your student successfully aces those exams, make sure to give them room to celebrate and relax. Most importantly. don’t forget to show them a little post-exam love. Go Texans!