Hello, my name is Annie Hailey. I am an intern for Enrollment Communications at Tarleton State University. I am a junior majoring in Business with a minor in Management. I applied to this position because I needed experience in the workplace and to better understand one of the key elements in business. I was extremely nervous to go in for the interview since it was my first in person one. The interview went smoothly, and I felt confident in how I did. I was thrilled to get a call later that day with the news that I got the position. Once the position was explained to me, I knew I would have to work hard and learn things as they go. I had no previous experience with graphic design, communications, or social media but I was ready for the challenge.

Throughout this internship I was given free creativity with “Become A Texan Blog”, I had the chance to expand on my writing skills with the blog. I have always had a love for writing since middle school and being able to write for a universities blog page has fulfilled that dream of mine. Learning how to use graphic design tools and then post it on social media was a learning curve for me since I am not the best with technology. However, I had great help with this aspect, and I have started to love creating content for social media. One part of the communications process that I am involved with is reviewing and adding comments to emails that are sent to incoming students/high schoolers. This task is very interesting to see how we target these emails to students and what they want to see from Tarleton. This is an important tool that enrollment communication uses because targeting these emails to a specific high school group will encourage them to follow the required steps to college.

This internship has helped me become more confident, creative, knowledgeable, and interested in the world of communications. Being a student worker at Tarleton State University has been the best experience I could’ve asked for. I have met amazing people and learned so much about many aspects in business that will stay with me forever. I will always be grateful for this opportunity because it has given me the tools I need to be prepared for the real world. As Tarleton students you can have opportunities at internships too! Work Study Opportunities!
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