The process of applying for financial aid may sound a little scary, confusing, impossible to do. It can be all those things, but it doesn’t have to be! By taking it one step at a time and staying in contact with a financial aid advisor (Tarleton has a team dedicated to you!), you will be ready for your first day at Tarleton in no time!

Step One: Create an FSA ID and Gather the Needed Documents
To apply for financial aid at Tarleton, you will need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (aka the FAFSA). Before you can start on your FAFSA application, you and a parent or guardian (if you are considered a dependent) will need to create an FSA ID. The FSA ID is like a username that keeps your information secure.
To complete your FAFSA, you will need tax returns from two years prior (ex. If filing for 2024-2025 aid year, you will need tax returns filed for 2022)
Step Two: Complete the FAFSA Application
You can send the information obtained on your FAFSA to up to 10 schools. Colleges will use this information to determine how much aid you will receive at their school. Make sure you add Tarleton to your list of schools!
Tarleton School Code: 003631Some aid is awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis, so try to submit by the January 15th priority date.
Step 3: Receive Your Financial Aid Award Letter
At Tarleton, we begin sending financial aid award letters out in early spring (the new FAFSA will not open until December 2023). Your award letter will show your cost of attendance, the types of aid available to you, and the amount of aid you qualify for. Learn more about the award letter and next steps here.
Step 4: Meet with a Financial Aid Advisor
This step is not required, but it’s so helpful! By sitting down with a Tarleton financial aid advisor (virtual appointments are also available), you will learn what your unique next steps might be. Some aid has additional steps you have to take before you can receive the money and some students are selected for a process called verification. You will receive email notifications about all of your next steps, but meeting with an advisor that can answer your questions helps set you up for success!

This is just a quick overview of the financial aid process! If you come away with anything, remember to take the process one step at a time, never be afraid to talk to a financial aid advisor, and check your email often! If you ever have any questions about financial aid or paying for college, contact the Tarleton Office of Financial Aid!
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