Study Around the World at Tarleton!

The world has a lot of unique experiences and wonderful information to share. What better way to explore all of that and more than to participate in a study abroad with Tarleton State University? 

People sitting and standing on grass with a church, trees, and hills in the background.

Hi! I’m Hannah Wilson and I’ve been a huge proponent of taking advantage of all the opportunities life presents to you, especially since I went on my study abroad trip to Italy in the summer of 2019 with the Honors College. I got to live in Urbino, Italy for a month with weekly field trips to cultural centers like Florence, Assisi, Venice, and more. I made amazing friends, both from Tarleton and from the university in Urbino. 

Studying abroad is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to travel the world while still focusing on your education. When you sign up, you’re signing up to dive into a new culture, encounter new languages, try new things, meet new people (both foreign and those you otherwise might not meet on your own campus), and expand your knowledge base! But before you go, there are a few things to consider.

Physical Readiness

When preparing for a trip such as these, it’s important to note that you may be signing up for a lot more exercise than you’d expect. Here at home it’s easy to take access to your car for granted. Overseas, I promise you’ll discover just how appreciative you should be. You will most likely be walking a lot of places and the different climates, altitudes, and vertical challenges are something you want to be prepared for. Do some research so you know exactly what you’re walking into; and, if you’re feeling particularly productive, hit the Rec and start building that stamina! 

Work Out a Budget

Know exactly what is covered in the payment for your trip and get ready to provide a budget for everything else. Make sure you have money saved away for snacks, water, any necessities you can’t bring on a plane, souvenirs, and anything else you may come across. Knowing exactly how much money you are able to spend makes prioritizing your purchase so much easier and prevents you from running out of money early. We definitely don’t want that!

Do Your Research

When going to a foreign country, it’s a good idea to do a few Google searches on the culture, food, history, and language. When you’re out seeing the sights, it’ll mean much more if you know some of the background information about it. If you’re going to an area where English is not the primary language, it’s a good idea to learn a few crucial words and phrases. It’s also good to know what may or may not be offensive to the people who 

live there.

It’s time to take action and dive in, especially when Tarleton is willing to provide so many opportunities to students like you! Psychological sciences offer experiences across Europe and South Asia, nursing travels to Kenya and England, and the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources goes all around the world to enrich their students’ education. Go to Tarleton’s website ( and look up “Global Initiatives and Services” to find their main page. More information can be found on their Instagram (@tarletonabroad) and Twitter (@tarletonabroad). If you want to travel within your major’s programs, reach out to your professors and see what they have to say about your potential options. 

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