Many students going into college quickly realize that they’ve never exactly been taught to study or never had the need to study. How do I know this? Well, I was one of these students! Before college, I never studied outside of school and came out pretty high in my class regardless. This was amazing during high school but my college courses completely stumped me. Learning to study after years and years of school without studying was one of the hardest challenges my freshman year. Here are some tips that I wish I would’ve known and practiced before coming to college:
1. START NOW! No, not in 5 minutes or after this TikTok. Start now. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll finish. And instead of trying to learn to study when school starts getting harder, start studying the easy stuff now. Studying is easier when the coursework is easier, so start practicing now before you get into more difficult courses! Practice makes perfect!

2. GET OUT OF BED! I wish I could say that all college classes are super fun and interesting… but I can’t. Truth is, some of your classes are going to be boring and it’s much easier to fall asleep while doing homework in bed than it would be sitting down at a desk or table somewhere.
3. DON’T BE SCARED TO ASK FOR HELP! If you’re doing your homework and not understanding it, don’t be afraid to email your professor or consider taking advantage of some of Tarleton’s resources. Tarleton provides the Writing Center, Math Clinic, and the Tutoring and Learning Center. Each of these services is covered by your tuition so might as well use them(especially if you’re struggling in class)!
4. DISCOVER YOUR STUDY SPACE! To study well, you have to find a space that suits your study style best. For example, if you study best in silence – the third floor of the Library is perfect for you! The third floor of the Library is a designated quiet space for students who need quiet to study. This space also includes private rooms for an even more secluded study experience. If background noise suits you better, a local coffee shop or the Student Center might be better for you!

5. STUDY BUDDIES! Finding friends to study with can be difficult if you aren’t aware of the company you need to study effectively. If you are super talkative and get distracted easily, maybe it’s a good idea to study alone. Having friends around is always fun but you can’t get much studying done if you’re talking the whole time. On the other hand, if you get more distracted by being alone – maybe it’s a good idea to surround yourself with friends who aren’t going to be distractions.
DON’T FORGET, studying takes practice. If you’re just starting to study, it’s important to remember that everyone learns differently and you’re going to have to take the time to figure out what works best for you. There are going to be study sessions that you go to with friends that don’t work out. There’s going to be time that you set aside to study where you don’t get much studying done. But don’t let these experiences discourage you, instead use these as learning experiences in your studying journey!
For more info, find the “Academic Resources” list at