Take It from Me: A Mom of College Students

As we all know there is a transition that students go through when preparing to leave for college, but parents go through it as well. A mother of three was excited to be interviewed in hopes of informing other parents who are nervous about this transition and new chapter in their family’s lives.

A group of four people smiling, wearing Tarleton State University clothing on campus.

How many kids have you had in college?

So far, I have had two. My first graduated in 2020 from West Texas A&M and my second will graduate from Tarleton in 2023!

What were the steps you took to prepare your children for college?

I made sure that they had a good study environment so that they could be successful in high school and be better prepared for the SAT/ACT. I encouraged my kids learn how to cook, clean, and do laundry for themselves. We also created bank accounts in high school to practice saving and spending responsibly. Doing this provided them with enough knowledge to go off to college without my daily help.

When they moved out of the house what was the transition like for you?

I was very emotional, lonely, and I had no one to do my day to day with. I lost my 24-hour girl best friends but gained more time with my son and husband. This transition was the hardest part because I always had one of my girls around for 19 years and to all of a sudden not have either of them was a major change for my life.

During their freshman year did you take a small step back to allow your students to grow and experience things?

Yes, I allowed them the space they needed to make decisions for themselves. Which was difficult to do because I was not as involved anymore. In the first few months of their freshman year both of my girls decided to take a break from communicating, but eventually they started calling more and now they call me multiple times a day!

Band performing on outdoor stage with crowd at evening event; overcast sky and stage lights.

Were you able to give advice to your students about college life, classes, relationships, dorm, and being financially smart?

Yes, I feel like my own experience of graduating from Texas A&M prepared me to offer advice to them, before they experienced it. Such as not running out of money! I also advised my girls to stay on top of their classes, and not wait a few weeks before studying. To study each night after class to keep the material fresh. I made it important for them to understand not to wait until the day of to study or do an assignment.

Did your students appreciate your advice?

Yes, I think they learned to appreciate it as college went on.

What are your three tips to other parents about preparing for when their child goes to college?

  1. No matter how difficult it is to let go, go ahead and release because that’s what we raised these kids to do, fly!
  2. If they get graduation money, don’t let them have all of it at once. 
  3. Be available when they call, communication is key. 
Three people smiling outside, two wearing Tarleton State University t-shirts.

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