As finals approach, it’s crucial to ensure that you are not only academically prepared but also prioritize your overall well-being. To make the most out of finals week, focus on nurturing both aspects. Remember these tips are not just for college finals. Even if you are still in high school, starting to implement these practices now will greatly benefit you and ease your transition into college!
Seven Tips for a Successful Finals Week
1. Get Enough Sleep
While it may be enticing to pull an all-nighter just to have the maximum amount of study time, if you never sleep the information does not have time to cement itself into your brain. Lack of sleep will also lead to burnout. To keep your body in the best condition possible, make sure you are getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep. Try to set non-negotiable sleep and wake-up times. This will keep your body in a schedule and ensure your mental and physical health are good condition!
2. Stay Hydrated
Make sure that between all of those energy drinks and coffee runs you are also drinking water!
3. Eat
One of the worst things you can do to your body is forget to eat. Do not get so into your studying that you forget to properly feed yourself. Food is vital not only to your survival but also for keeping your brain at peak performance.
4. Create a Study Schedule
Finals week can be overwhelming especially if you have multiple finals. By creating a study schedule that is in priority order you can make sure that you have enough time to study for each final. This organization will help you mentally because by following a solid plan you will not be as stressed out or frantic about studying.
5. See Friends
Set aside time to take a break and interact with friends. We all need social interaction and cooping yourself up in your room or the library for multiple days is not good for your mental health. Give yourself a study break by putting away your phone and talking with friends.
6. Prioritize Movement
One of the best ways to reset and recharge your body is to MOVE. Go for a walk or run outside, go play pickleball at the Stephenville City Park with your friends, or even go do a small workout at the gym. This will not only help you by removing you from your study environment, but it will increase your creativity and mental energy.
7. Find Joy in the Little Things
Finals week can be stressful but make sure you are looking for reasons to be happy. Whether it’s acing a test, finally grasping a concept that you found difficult, or even remembering summer break is just around the corner, make sure you take time to recognize the small joys in life.
Be on the look out for campus events such as Take a Paws during final’s week! These events are a great way to recharge from studying, connect with friends, and get movement!

Remember that while College is important, so is your mental wellbeing. Make sure you take time for yourself and that you know your grades do not define you. If you feel you need help during this time, remember you can reach out to Student Counseling Services at 254-968-9044. That number is available 24 hours a day. The Student Counseling Center is also open Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.