Tips for your College Search

Notepad with "My Top Colleges: 1. Tarleton State University" written on it.

First, make a list of colleges you’re interested in!

Second, tour campuses!

A college campus can be a confusing or overwhelming place depending on the size and not every campus is suitable for every student. Find a place that suits your needs as a student!

Campus map with buildings and pathways in a red location pin.

Third, make your wish list to help rank which colleges you want to go to most by thinking of these questions:

Map of Texas with Tarleton State University locations marked.

How far do you want to be from home?

If you’re wanting to go home often, maybe a school 10 hours away isn’t a good fit for you. Or maybe going home just for the holidays is perfect for you and you’d prefer even further away. What’s a good distance for you?

Consider affordability and how much you are willing to pay for college.

While this is important to consider, don’t let this hold you back – there’s always scholarships, grants, and loans to apply for!

What majors are you interested in?

A school might be really appealing in other ways but if they don’t offer the major or programs you’re interested in, it’s probably time to consider your other options.

Icons of a chicken, hard hat, gears, plant, brain, apple, books, handshake, and art supplies.

What resources are available to you as a student?

Different colleges offer different resources based on need. If you’re a student who would benefit from specific resources, it is important to understand how your college may help you.

What size would you prefer your classes to be?

How you learn is important when choosing a college! If you would learn better with fewer students in a classroom, that is something to prioritize! A college with 100 students to one professor will probably be a more difficult setting to learn in for some more than others.

Icons of a duck, soccer ball, running woman, palette, game controller, rocket, and more.

What organizations would you want to get involved in?

Your college experience is what you make it! One of the best ways to make friends in school is by getting involved! So figure out if the school you’re interested in has a club or organization that suits you.

Now that you have the tools to pick your college, it’s time to choose!


Don’t let outside influences weigh into your college decision! This is the time to spread out and try something new! You’ll make plenty of new friends and your high school friends will be back home over holidays!

Communicate with your family! They will be great support for you and it may not seem like it now, but you will miss having them around 24/7.

If you can, talk to current students! They might have the inside scoop that a tour guide might not mention.