Why College?

Has the thought of “why should I even go to college” crossed your mind? I know it did for me when I was a high school student deciding what to do next. Did I really want to pay a lot of money and stay in school even longer? As I weighed the pros and cons, I realized that the benefits of going to college far outweigh any of the negatives, and that was what helped me make the decision to continue my education. If you are still on the fence about going to college, here is a list of all the benefits college can provide-

People who have a college degree make more money on average

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people in the workforce that hold a college degree earn around $524 more than someone without a degree. That comes out to around $27,000 more a year!

Bar chart of average weekly earnings by education level, increasing with higher degrees.

College is more affordable than you might think

I know there is a huge stigma that college is super expensive and that you can only go if you have a lot of money… WRONG!!!!! There are so many different ways to pay for college ranging from student loans to scholarships and grants! If you are unsure about how to even start figuring out how to pay for college, reach out to a university Financial Aid office! They are there to help you in any way you may need!

Graduating with a college degree typically leads to more job security In 2021, the people who had a college degree but not a job was 2.1%, where the people who had no college degree and no job was 4.6%. Having a college degree also gives you a safety net if something like

COVID-19 happens. It was reported that 72% of people with bachelor’s degrees remained employed, but only 52% of people with a high school diploma kept their jobs.

College gives you the opportunity to meet new people

Attending college allows you to meet so many new people that otherwise wouldn’t be in your life. This could range from meeting your new best friend to making connections and networking with professionals in your desired field! College has given me the chance to meet a ton of people, some of which have turned into my best friends that will stand next to me at my wedding.

A group on a rocky riverbank with trees and a blue sky. A DeWalt bag is in the foreground.

College will challenge you to become more independent

From having to do your own laundry and cook your own food to getting to decide what classes you take and how you manage your time, going to college will allow you the chance to see what grown-up life is like. I like to call it the “trial adulthood” time because college is the time that you won’t be overloaded with adult responsibilities yet, but you won’t be a child living at home anymore.

College gives you the opportunity to get involved

There are so many clubs and student organizations that are offered in college! Furthering your education will allow you to be a part of these things and learn valuable skills that will be useful in your career.

I know deciding to go to college can be a complicated and hard decision but take it from someone who was on the fence for a long time about it. College will give you once in a lifetime opportunities, give your future a better outlook, and allow you to have time to learn about yourself and grow as a person. The rewards of continuing your education far outweigh the risks, and it will be a decision you look back on and realize you made the right choice.

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