University Colors
The official university colors are purple and white.
Tarleton State’s Department of Marketing and Communications and most print and specialty advertising vendors have reference copies of PANTONE color books.
Do not choose your own shade of purple. Color gradients are acceptable, but try to keep the main focal purple color as previously described. To ensure consistent color usage, adhere to the PANTONE, Hex, CMYK and RGB formulas as outlined below.
The accent color palette for the Tarleton State brand includes the following colors:
To ensure consistent color usage, adhere to the PANTONE, Hex, CMYK, and RGB formulas.
Embroidery thread colors:
Purple= MADEIRA Rayon: 1412 | RA: 2254
Gray = MADEIRA Rayon: 1010 | RA: 2585
Black= MADEIRA Rayon: 1000 | RA: 2296
Lavender= MADEIRA Rayon: 1302 | RA: 2288
For questions, please contact Marketing and Communications at