Protecting the Integrity of the Tarleton State Logo and Likeness
Tarleton State University retains the right to protect their name/image/likeness. This includes both logos and campus landmarks. Neither logos or landmarks associated with Tarleton State are to be altered from their original appearance. Logos are to be used as a whole, never with part of the logo cut off. No other letters, words or images should intrude upon the logo in any way.

Do not replace the beveled “T” on Texas” with an alternative image in the official logo.
Do not place graphics that cover any part of the Tarleton State logo.
Do not change the color or structure of the official logo.
Do not add additional images to the official logo to create a new logo.

Do not stretch the Tarleton State logo horizontally or vertically.
Do not thicken the lines on any part of the logo.
Do not depict the logo tilted; always make sure it is positioned straight.
Do not use the logo as a letter in a word.