Tarleton State University has teamed up with GradGuard™ to offer tuition insurance to students and families. This protection strengthens our existing refund policy and can provide reimbursement for tuition, housing, and other fees if a student withdraws for a covered medical reason at any time during the covered semester.

GradGuard Tuition Insurance can help students and their families overcome the financial losses that may result if a student completely withdraws due to a covered medical reason. Whether you purchase tuition insurance (and at what total coverage amount) depends on your individual net cost and your personal risk appetite.

*Tuition insurance is entirely optional. Tarleton State University is not compensated if you choose to purchase tuition insurance. The agreement you enter is with GradGuard, not with Tarleton State University.

Purchase Details

This tuition insurance plan can reimburse your non-refundable school expenses/payments (tuition, housing, and other educational expenses) after an unexpected complete withdrawal of all classes (at any time during the covered semester) due to a covered illness, injury, mental health condition, and more. Plans also include Student Life Assistance: a 24/7 hotline that offers students and parents even greater peace of mind.

The deadline to enroll is the day before classes begin each semester.

For More Information: Visit GradGuard or call 877-794-6603

Frequently Asked Questions

View GradGuard FAQ and Support

How Do I Purchase a Tuition Insurance Plan?

You can purchase through Texan Bill Pay or GradGuard.

Who Can Purchase a Tuition Insurance Plan?

Students, Parents/Authorized User, or bill payer can purchase a plan.

Is there a Deadline to Purchase a Tuition Insurance Plan?

Yes. The deadline to enroll is the day before classes begin each semester.

I Had to Withdraw this Term. How Do I File a Claim?

Contact GradGuard by calling 877-794-6603 to start your claim.

GradGuard will send you a claim packet, along with an Institution Validation Form that will be completed by Business Services at Tarleton State University.

  • You must first complete and sign Section 4 of the Institution Validation Form
  • Please email the Institution Validation Form with Section 4 completed to businessofc@tarleton.edu.

Who Can Help me Complete the Institution Validation Form?

Student Business Services will assist with completing your Institution Validation Form. We will coordinate with the Registrar’s Office to complete all sections and return the finalized form to you.

  • You must first complete and sign Section 4 of the Institution Validation Form
  • Please email the Institution Validation Form with Section 4 completed to businessofc@tarleton.edu.

Do I Need to Purchase a New Plan Each Term?

Tuition Insurance is optional; however, the coverage is term specific. You will need a new plan each term you would like tuition insurance coverage. The deadline to enroll is the day before classes begin each term.

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