About Us

The Leadership and Military College at Tarleton offers an immersive leadership experience tailored for students aspiring to excel in future leadership roles across various sectors, both public and private. Nestled within the vibrant atmosphere of our Stephenville campus, students within this program reside together, tackle formidable leadership challenges by leading their peers, and actively engage in distinct activities within the campus and surrounding community.
Comprising the esteemed Corps of Cadets, Army ROTC, Marine Corps Platoon Leadership Course, Space Force, and the Department of Leadership Studies, our college also extends Tarleton’s participation as a Cross-Town Program of Air Force ROTC at Texas Christian University (TCU) in Fort Worth. Our comprehensive offerings include the Texan Leader track, tailored for individuals pursuing civilian career paths. This assorted spectrum of programs not only nurtures leadership skills but also provides a rich tapestry of opportunities for students to excel and thrive. We warmly welcome prospective students and their families to explore our esteemed institution, where tradition meets innovation in grooming the leaders of tomorrow.
Students enrolled in Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC seamlessly integrate into the Corps of Cadets. Furthermore, those inclined towards civilian leadership pursuits can participate in the Texan Leaders program within the Corps of Cadets, without any obligation for military service upon graduation.
If you seek a dynamic challenge and desire membership in a distinguished student body deeply rooted in Tarleton’s rich heritage, explore our array of programs and courses. We invite you to embark on a tour, connect with current cadets, and gain invaluable insights into the program of your interest.
For further information, please contact the Leadership and Military College at 254-968-9188.