Tarleton State University utilizes CourseLeaf for the online catalog management system (CAT) and the Curriculum Inventory Management system (CIM). The CAT and CIM systems are accessed using NTNET credentials and access is granted through the request of a department head to the Manager of University Catalog and Curriculum (see below). The CAT and CIM systems are managed by the Office of Curriculum, Assessment, and Faculty Affairs
The Manager of University Catalog and Curriculum coordinates the materials necessary for publication of the university catalog. Updates to the catalog are requested throughout the current year and submitted for publication no later than January 31st of each year. Each department/division is responsible for making necessary updates to the catalog material and submitting the changes for review.
The curriculum system is accessed online and utilizes an automated workflow for approval. All curriculum changes must be completed per the curriculum cycle and timeline. This process does not include any necessary external approvals.
- CourseLeaf CIM
- CourseLeaf Manual (updated 2024)
- Curriculum Calendar (2024-2025)
- Two-year curriculum cycle (effective 2023)
Catalog Updates
All catalog updates are submitted by the individual departments and divisions at Tarleton State University. Catalog updates include: edits to the content, addition of new programs and new minors, removal of deactivated programs and minors, descriptions of programs and minors, faculty, contact information, and the faculty index. All catalog updates are due no later than January 31st of each year. This ensures content is available for course scheduling, advising for the upcoming semesters, orientations, etc. The catalog is published by April 1st of each year. Content may be updated as subject to change as deemed necessary by the Office of Curriculum, Assessment, and Faculty Affairs (CAFA). CAFA manages the online catalog system and collaborates publication with CourseLeaf. Please contact the Manager of University Catalog and Curriculum (see below) for additional information or assistance.
Curriculum Updates
Curriculum updates are managed through the CourseLeaf CIM system. The Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system is separated into four categories: Course Management, Program Management, Miscellaneous Request Management, and the Approve Items Panel.
- Course Management is used for editing, adding, and deactivating courses;
- Program Management is used for editing, adding, and deactivating programs;
- Miscellaneous Request Management is used for mass curriculum changes, catalog/curriculum related process approvals, create/modify academic administrative units, etc.;
- Approve Items Panel is used to approve or review curriculum items submitted for the approval process.
Each item is initiated within an academic department and is routed through the appropriate curriculum committees for approval. Items for consideration are routed through the academic departments, colleges, administration, necessary sub-committees (e.g. Writing Intensive, General Education, Educator Preparation), University Curriculum Committee (if UG), Graduate Council (if GR), and the Academic Council, as appropriate to the item. Items are considered at each step of workflow and may be rejected, edited, or approved as necessary.
New program proposals require additional steps beyond the curricular processes.
New Program Proposals
New program proposals follow a two-year approval cycle and are managed by the Manager of University Catalog and Curriculum. Proposals must receive authorization from the Provost prior to planning. The Office of Curriculum, Assessment, and Faculty Affairs submits a formal plan to the Texas A&M University System (TAMUS), once authorized to proceed in the planning process. A call for new program proposals is requested at the beginning of each academic year and is coordinated through the TAMUS. New program proposals must be identified on the Texas A&M University System horizon document in order to be considered for submission. The new program proposal approval process operates on a two-year cycle due to external approval considerations. All proposals are submitted to the TAMUS Board of Regents, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), and the Southern Association for Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) for consideration and approval. New programs are not authorized to recruit, advertise, or admit any students until SACSCOC approval is secured.
External Approval Process
Tarleton State University seeks external approval from the TAMUS Board of Regents, THECB, and SACSCOC when necessary. Consult the Assistant Provost for Curriculum or the Manager of University Catalog and Curriculum when determining if items require external approval. Items requiring approval include, but are not limited to: distance education requests, administrative change requests, development of certificate options, and new program proposals.
Contact Us
Violet Newell

Manager of University Catalog & Curriculum
Office: Library 130
Email: vnewell@tarleton.edu
Phone: 254-968-9387
Denise Martinez

Assistant Provost for Curriculum and Assessment
Office: Library 129
Email: dmartinez@tarleton.edu
Phone: 254-968-9924