CourseLeaf Catalog (CAT) is a proven, comprehensive Catalog Management System with a powerful native workflow engine. It is specifically designed to manage processes for colleges and universities by incorporating flexible workflows with easy data entry and editing capabilities
Managing program and course updates can be a complicated process, involving lots of back and forth, paper, and inconsistent information. The CourseLeaf Curriculum (CIM) module revolutionizes your curriculum by taking the update process online.
The software will import course information from the student information system (Banner), provide customized pre-populated forms for authors, automatically create workflow without human intervention, identify all impacted courses by a proposed change, track edits and comments, report on status, generate customized PDF files on demand for committee meetings, and will assist in automatically updating the student information system at the end of the process. The CourseLeaf Curriculum and CourseLeaf Catalog software work together to automatically update all catalogs with approved course, program, and student information system data.