The curriculum system is accessed online using the links above and utilizes an automated workflow for approval. All curriculum changes, effective for the following academic year, must complete the approval process no later than November 31st. This process does not include any necessary external approvals.
Curriculum Updates
Curriculum updates are managed through the CourseLeaf CIM system. The curriculum inventory management system is separated into three categories: Course Management, Program Management, and the Approve Items Panel. Course Management is used for editing, adding, and deactivating courses; Program Management is used for editing, adding, and deactivating programs; and the Approve Items Panel is used to approve or review curriculum items submitted for the approval process. Each item is initiated within an academic department and is routed through the appropriate curriculum committees for approval. Items for consideration are routed through the academic departments, colleges, administration, necessary sub-committees (WI, ALE, Education Preparation, etc.), University Curriculum Committee (if UG), Graduate Council (if GR), and the Academic Council. Items are considered at each step of workflow and may be rejected, edited, or approved as necessary. New program proposals follow a different timeline and the process is outlined below.