Local Tags
Your calendar group may have specific Local Tags, and you can create as many of these as you want. If a tag appears to be needed across multiple calendar groups, it can be converted to a Global Tag.
Best Practices
Tags in the calendar system are not like tags in a blog post. These are meant for searchability, so a visitor can type in something like “Holiday Showcase” and get search results where they might not get them by typing in “holidayshowcase”. Therefore, the tags you create should be typical search terms, not social media tag terms.
Events are also different from blog posts in that you do not need to create a tag for every keyword regarding your event. Keep your list short and to the point.
Unless you need to list more than one event by name for use on a calendar view, such as an event listing, you probably do not need a tag. Instead, you should try an alternative option:
Tag Naming Conventions
Following these conventions will reduce errors when displaying your event and loss of functionality:
- Do not use special characters or formatting such as extra spaces, “”, &, etc.
- Use camel case on all words (e.g. “International” not “international”)
- Keep it simple and short
- Include them in the description. Keywords should be included in your event details that make it searchable. Instead of using words as keywords, use them conversationally within the explanation of the event.
- Share to the appropriate calendar groups. You can share your events with other calendar groups, so they will see subjects related to them. For example, a Research calendar group is available to share research-related events. If you find that you are creating many events for a specific group, such as an organization, contact University Web Operations about recommending a new calendar group.
- Avoid redundancy. Any words used in event types do not need to be created as tags. For example, “Alumni” and “Student” are already audience event types, so they are searchable when selected for a certain event. “Tours” is already part of the name for the event type “Open Houses and Tours”.
Global Tags
Global tags are shared across all calendar groups. The following are current Global tags:
Make your events stand out if you need/want to inform people of the price, or if the event is free.
- Free Event
- Paid Event
These help organize events based on times of the academic year to handle items such as final exams or enrollment processes for a particular semester.
- Fall
- Spring
- Summer
A variety of events pertain to multiple calendar groups, so these tags assist in relating relevant content across calendars.
- Commencement
- Extended Hours
- Finals
- Food Drive
- Homecoming
- Outreach Homecoming
- Poster Presentation
- Symposium
- Thesis Presentation
- Transition Programs
- Transition Week
Use for events relevant to the following student types allow students to focus on events specific to them:
- Doctoral
- Graduate
- International
- Prospective
- Transfer
- Undergraduate
A variety of programs may collaborate on events across multiple calendar groups, so these tags assist in relating relevant content across calendars.
- Food Pantry
These are commonly used across multiple calendar groups pertaining to maintenance, training, etc.
- Banner
- Canvas
Using “TSU” in Event Descriptions, Location Names, and Other Event Details
We are Tarleton State! However, we are often confused with other universities who use “TSU” such as Texas Southern University and Texas State University. While it is ok to use “TSU” on campus, external audiences (e.g. emails, social media, news articles, or websites) will not understand we are different from those who may be getting negative news that accidentally gets associated with Tarleton.
The Texas A&M University System has provide us with naming conventions to reduce this confusion. When promoting Tarleton on anything going to external relations, use only “Tarleton State” or “Tarleton State University”.
Please check through your event titles, descriptions, locations, and anywhere else that you may have “TSU” in the LiveWhale calendar system. If you do not know how “TSU” was placed in a particular area, please feel free to contact University Web Operations for assistance.