Faculty Engagement Opportunities

Utilize Our Canvas Modules

Career Services offers a variety of modules to insert into your course. Each module has content, videos, references to external resources and guides, “Pro-Tips” for career education, and a module quiz.

Please get in touch with Lindsey Marek at lmarek@tarleton.edu if you want to utilize some of our modules or have any additional questions!

Menu of Modules

  • Career Services Overview– Depicts the depth and breadth of career resources and tools available to students throughout their higher education journey.
  • Career Exploration– Students learn about a variety of resources and tools available when deciding on a major.
  • Career Investigation– Introduces students to tools and resources to stretch their frame of references with regard to careers, job descriptions, marketable skills recruited by employers (soft and hard), and how to build out their personal and professional skillset.
  • Develop and Communicate Your Brand– Students learn how to build a positive, professional image including social media and other branding opportunities that come from pieces of life, such as your experiences, skills, values, image, and personality traits and how to communicate it to others.
  • Next Destination Planning– As graduation approaches, students often weigh the options regarding graduate or professional school, getting a job, joining the military, volunteer opportunities, seeking additional certificates or licensures, etc.
  • Resumes 101– Everything students need to think about when it comes to a resume: format, action verbs, order of content, part or present tense
  • Applying for a Job– The resume is the first impression many employers receive from students. There are a few things to know when it comes to successfully completing an application. Learn the DO’s and DON’T’s pet peeves, what to include, and automatic deal breakers in the job-seeking process.
  • Quinncia-This module walks students through assignments for the 24-7 online resume review and mock interview tool that leverages data science, machine learning, and natural language processing to provide instant personalized feedback. Quinncia uses current ATS screening data to prompt students for a more successful application.
  • Hiring Manager Simulation– Allow students to actively work through the process of being a Hiring Manager- select from a pool of resumes that best match the job description, review the interviews through pre-recorded videos, and decide which candidate to move for to the job offer, then learn how the finalist performed 3 months post-interview. This module is complete with 10 resumes and interviews, job description, and a hiring matrix to score candidates.

Job Fairs

*Service can be utilized as an incentivized for class credit.
Due to low participation from students and employers in virtual job fairs, we will only host face-to-face job fairs until further notice.

View our 2024-2025 Calendar of Events.


*Service can be utilized as an incentivized service for class credit.
Quinncia is a 24-7 online resume review and mock interview tool that leverages data science, machine learning, and natural language processing to provide instant personalized feedback on your resume based on criteria gathered from employers and global best practices as you prepare to shift from your role as a student to an employee in the workplace. This process is more than just finding a job – it’s about understanding and highlighting your skills digitally to land your dream career.

Ask us about our Canvas module!

Student Appointments (Virtual and Face-to-Face Options)

*Personal and professional development resources. We ask that the faculty not incentivize this service at this time.
Students can schedule an appointment with a trained Student Career Coach through EAB to discuss on-demand questions regarding:

  • Resume building
  • Job search
  • Career exploration
  • Job fair tips
  • Interview advice
  • Handshake
  • Quinncia
  • Additional career development topics


*Service can be utilized as an incentivized service for class credit.

All Tarleton students have FREE access to the Focus2Career assessments. Focus2Career is a comprehensive web-based career planning program. It helps students explore options while bringing clarity and insight into what career path is right for them. Upon completion, students can make a Career Counseling Appointment to review the assessments. Students can visit the Career Exploration web page for more information about Focus2Career.

Ask us about our Canvas module!

Professional Development Videos

*Service can be utilized as an incentivized service for class credit.
Students have access to our presentations on our YouTube channel. Presentation videos include topics such as Job Fair 101, Nailing the Interview – Interview Etiquette, LinkedIn Series, Dining Etiquette Tips, and Interview Level One and Two Workshops. More to come.

  • Career Services YouTube Channel Navigation Guide (link to come)

Virtual Employer Informational Sessions

*Service can be utilized as an incentivized service for class credit scheduled based on employer availability.
Employers will present their company at the Virtual Employer Lounge or informational session. Students are invited to learn more about their company and ask questions about the industry, career paths, etc. This platform will be informal where students and alumni are encouraged to ask any questions. Visit the Career Services calendar to find Virtual Employer Lounge events.

Workshops (Virtual and Face-to-Face Options)

*Personal and professional development resources. We ask that the faculty not incentivize this service at this time.
Students can attend workshops that cover the following topics:

  • Interview Level 1
  • Interview Level 2
  • Resume Level 1
  • Resume Level 2
  • Focus2Career
  • Dining Etiquette

Students can visit the Workshop calendar for workshop dates and registration.