Student Resources and Services
Resources, Services, and Events
- Calendar of Events– check out upcoming events for this month and the rest of the semester on the University Events Calendar.
- Resources– internet job search engines, online resume tools, career exploration links, how to use LinkedIn and Twitter in your job search, and much, much more….
- Services– resume assistance, job fairs, mock interviews, career counseling, companies interviewing on-campus, and more…
- Questions about your career or major choice? Take the Focus2Career assessments and schedule an appointment.
- Privacy Statement for Students
Check out our employment system-Handshake!
- Students – Download the Handshake Student Quick Guide
- Alumni – Download the Handshake Alumni Quick Guide
- To learn more helpful tips and tricks, visit the Handshake Help Center.
- Fraudulent and Scam Job Postings Guide
EEOC Statement for Students
While the Career Services with Tarleton State University provides services to students and alumni, it is not responsible for any representations or guarantees with regard to job postings, nor is it responsible for wages, working conditions, safety, or other work-related issues that may arise after employment..
It is the student’s/alumni’s obligation to seek information and legal representation if they feel they are being discriminated against or mistreated in the workplace.
Tarleton State University- Career Services may decline to post any job ads for any employer that fails to abide by the rules and procedures, and to comply with applicable laws in its job postings.
“Employment professionals will maintain equal employment opportunity (EEO) compliance and principles in recruiting activities in a manner that includes the following:”
- Avoiding use of questions that are considered unacceptable by EEO standards during the recruiting process;
- Developing a sensitivity to, and awareness of, cultural differences and the variety of the work force;
- Investigating complaints forwarded by the career services office regarding EEO noncompliance and seeking resolution of such complaints.
Make an Appointment Today!
Use EAB to sign up for a Career Coaching Appointment.