Tarleton faculty are invited and encouraged to submit proposals for course-embedded study abroad programs for students. Tarleton has partnered with numerous comprehensive program providers to help offset the workload associated with program development and ensure the safest possible experience for our students. Faculty should note that facilitating a study abroad is a large responsibility that requires significant time, effort, and attention to detail.

We think it is worth it, and we hope you do to!

Are you interested in developing a faculty-led Study Abroad program?

Review the Handbook

It is important for faculty leaders to read and refer back to the handbook to ensure compliance with policies and procedures (TAMUS and Tarleton). This helps us mitigate risks to both our students and our faculty.

Submit a Proposal

After reviewing the handbook, you may submit your program proposal through our online platform. Your proposal will be routed for approval by Risk Management, department leadership, school leadership (if applicable), college leadership, and Academic Affairs. Your proposal must be approved before you may begin recruiting students.

Please note that you will not be able to return to an incomplete application. A list of the questions asked in the proposal is provided in the handbook to help you prepare for submission.

Important Dates for Program Leaders

Program Leaders must submit a Study Abroad Program Application by the following deadlines. All deadlines
refer to the year prior to travel. Early applications are welcomed and encouraged.

Important Documents for Program Leaders

The following documents may also be accessed through the electronic version of the handbook linked above.

The Experiential Learning Team

The Experiential Learning team in the Center for Educational Excellence is the primary support mechanism in place for faculty and students interested in study abroad programs. They can help faculty connect with partnering providers, answer questions about study abroad processes, and more.