Texan Changemakers are Tarleton students who want to improve the world by studying and acting on global challenges.

The pilot program will begin in Fall 2023 and focus on United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being. Students and faculty will work together over two years to understand the global challenge and act to improve it in innovative ways.
Innovative student thinkers from any discipline who are passionate about health and well-being are invited to apply. We are looking for 15-20 first-year students across disciplines including but not limited to business, engineering, medical fields, nutrition, technology, kinesiology, education, STEM, and agriculture.
Funding for the pilot program was awarded by the President’s Fund for Excellence.
Benefits of Student Participation
- $750 scholarship per semester of participation
- 4-6 hours of collaborative, real-world work per week
- Learn about new perspectives related to the global challenge by doing and acting
- Meet new people who are also passionate changemakers
- Build relationships with faculty across disciplines
Now Hiring
We are currently seeking passionate individuals to serve in the following roles to support this program:
- Director: Faculty member who provides leadership for the Texan Changemakers program, including but not limited to faculty mentor facilitation, student recruitment, and implementation of programming
- Graduate Assistant Coordinator: Graduate student who provides logistical support for Texas Changemakers events, students, and faculty mentors.
- Faculty Mentors: Faculty members who work with students and other faculty mentors to engage students in interactive, experiential activities involving systems thinking to build students’ understanding of the global challenge (in Year 1) and work with subgroups to formulate action to address an aspect of the global challenge (Year 2).