By: Bella Becerra
Tarleton alumni, Darcy Matson, is doing big things across the seas. Matson graduated from Tarleton last year with an animal science degree focused on production. Since graduation, Matson finds herself working at Ecuire des Monceaux in France where she prepares Thoroughbred yearling racehorses for sale.
Matson is originally from Mabank, Texas. She grew up riding and loving horses and wanted to continue that passion into college. Her love for the equine industry led her to Tarleton. “Four years later I am still so happy with the major I chose, and it prepared me for graduation. The College of Agriculture is amazing and has so many classes to offer,” said Matson.
While at Tarleton, Matson held many leadership positions and stayed involved on campus. She was involved in Greek life, Round Up, Tarleton Transition Mentor, and Student Government Association. “I loved everything Tarleton had to offer and made it a point to make the most of my time there,” said Matson.
Matson was also able to hold several job positions. She worked at the equine center at Tarleton which allowed her to gain more knowledge relating to the equine industry. She also worked at the housing department for Tarleton and was able to gain office setting experience.
“I would not have the job I have now without Tarleton and the education I received. The classes, professors, and material from Tarleton has made me who I am today,” said Matson.
Matson’s love for sale prepping was sparked in a sales preparation class she was able to take through the equine center. Through the class and relationships with her professors she was able to land an internship at Lazy E Ranch where she worked with yearling racehorses.
Matson’s time at Tarleton prepared her for the career she now holds. In France, Matson gets to prepare yearling horses for sale. Her job can range from walking, feeding, grooming, and treating the horses. Matson also gets to experience personal interactions with clients that are eager to buy.
Matson, throughout college and her career now, has lived by the mottos of “You can sleep when you are dead” and “You can do anything for a year.” These mottos have led Matson to act courageously in pursing her dreams and maintain her hard work ethic.
“These two sayings have helped me stay focused and passionate about my career in the equine industry. Working with horses is not for the weak and having a strong work ethic and open mind really is needed,” said Matson.
Matson is experiencing the joy and challenges of her new adventure across seas, and she is an amazing example for present students chasing after their degree. Matson is an encouragement to students to make the most out of their time at Tarleton and take advantage of everything it has to offer. Matson has a passion and is actively pursuing it, and the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources at Tarleton has helped her in doing just that.

Photo contributed by Darcy Matson
Tarleton alumni, Darcy Matson, is pictured with her horse Oakley.
*Article submitted in ACOM 3314 – Writing and Editing