Drs. Darrel Murray, T. Wayne Schwertner, and Adam Mitchell, Department of Wildlife and Natural Resources (WNR), and Dr. Jim Muir, Texas A&M AgriLife, received a U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Scientific Cooperation and Research Program grant partnering with faculty from Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN), located in Gaborone, Botswana. The program supports applied research, extension, and education collaborations between U.S. researchers and their foreign counterparts from selected emerging market economies.
The project will investigate the impacts of changes in woody legume cover on biodiversity and associated ecosystem services across different land tenure systems through reciprocal visits to similar ecosystems (savanna rangelands) in Botswana and Texas. “These reciprocal visits will allow ‘in context’ cross-cultural discussion and training on biodiversity assessment, social context, and land tenure related to the potential value of biodiversity to provide forage for cattle, food, fuel wood, and other ecosystem services identified within the project” (Dr. Murray). The long-term goal of the project is to enhance food security of small-scale rural producers, in Botswana and Texas, through sustainable natural resource management of savanna woodlands for livelihoods and biodiversity. This project supports and is the direct result of, ongoing efforts related to study abroad and research in Southern Africa by Drs Murray, Schwertner, and Muir.

In March, Dr. Murray travelled to Gaborone, Botswana to meet with BUAN collaborators (left to right) Drs Victor Muposhi, Ditiro Moalafhi, and Keoikantse Sianga.