Written By: Dr. David Frazier

Over the course of the spring semester, there are a couple Tarleton professors and one Agricultural Education student that are serving agriculture youth and communities as they judge multiple livestock shows throughout the state. Dr. David Frazier, Associate Professor of Agricultural Education, Dr. Brant Poe, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education and Agriculture Education Senior Wyatt Wharton have been busy over the past few months judging livestock show throughout Texas. According to Wharton, “It is an honor to be able to evaluate livestock and work with exhibitors who are going to be the future of the agriculture industry.” Dr. Poe and Dr. Frazier have been judging livestock shows around the country for years and continue to work diligently to ensure that all exhibitors, from local shows to state shows, have a great experience and are rewarded for their hard work and dedication to the livestock industry.